
I need H-E-L-P on Model UN!?

by  |  earlier

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Okay I need help on South Africa's statement on the International Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA)...basically nuclear energy...I cannot find a single thing on this topic,except like 2 news clippings that are relevent to this.

And can someone please explain to me how I should format this?thanks!




  1. I train for Model Arab league for Universities level.  Ok first what are in need of-please clarify so i can guide you.  I will be able to help you in the format of resolution if this is what you are asking-if not please clarify so i may help you. You can get information that may help you from: or this site which is great

    Can you tell me the agenda item? First, iis it on the Defense Committee or Social Committee or what? Then tell me what the Model's agenda for that item. Resolutions have to reflect the agenda item UNLESS you are adding new item to it.

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