my mom is a foster parent, she keeps babies temporarily until they find placement. She got a new baby girl this week and she cries about everything single thing.
It makes of feel bad because we don't know what to do. We don't know what makes her happy, she crys about everything.
My mother took her to my aunt's house who baby sits small children to see if she would play with other kids her age and she just cried and screamed.
She is also very very dependant, if she is not being held she just cries and screams. When she is being held she is calm.
We were told by the social worker that she was abanonded by her mom, meaning that her mom would leave her in the house alone with her other small children, the oldest is 6year old. The only thing the other small kids would do is hold her because small children don't know how to take care of other babies so all they do is hold the baby..
I don't want us to scream at the little girl or try to force her to change because she is already very sensitive..
what to do? It hurts us to see her in so much mental pain at such a young and tender age...She just screams and screams and we don't know why..