
I need HELP but not for me! For the Greatest Pastor! I don't want to be out of line he just needs help.?

by  |  earlier

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A Pastor friend of mine. Has lost well everything! except the contents of approximately six plastic-totes! The plastic totes would probably use up 3/4 of a pick up truck bed. This loss was not through his own negligence, rather due to storms in the mid-west. So much tragedy! We are all out of money, helping so many other folks. Insurance Comapany Say's: Claim Denied Well, Claim was declined due to some (form) i.e., paper work landing within the Headquarters office three days late. Some church letterhead issue? Anyhow,thats the word we got. Now has some former associates awaiting his arrival in N.C. I've done all I can at this point. He now only requires passage to Coastal North Carolina,\to a town called: Wilmington, N. C. Now he needs transportation only. He's broke & we are too. He will be heading south about 6/25-30/2008 from Ctrl. Indiana, 30 miles North of Indianapolis on Hwy # 65 Please Help. Thanks (His car floated away! weeks from an answer on that issue). Thanks again. amen




  1. Check into a drive away service.  He might be able to drive someone else's car for them from one city to another.  Also check with the national organization affiliated with your church (you didn't say the denomination).

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