
I need HELP convincing PARENTS!!

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I want to move to America, I live in Australia. But my life is horrible here, and i just want to start over new. and i feel that America is the place to start over. I LOVE AMERICA and I've been having dreams about it all the time. and i need help convincing my parents to move. ESPECIALLY my dad. PLEASE HELP ME but if your just going to say something rude or nasty please dont say anything at all. THANX!!




  1. I'm going to echo what's already been said and say that moving just because your life is bad here, you can't up and move somewhere else. Running doesn't fix anything (and believe me, I tried!).

    Have you ever been to the US? If yes, then you obviously came home and only saw the good parts of it. You didn't have to worry about medical care, education, transport. If not, then try going for a holiday and not looking at tourist destinations.

    Something else to keep in mind is culture shock. It's so much more than not being understood properly and not knowing where you're going. It's about pulling out a pocket full of change and not knowing how to make 75 cents. You wouldn't have any sense of direction at all, and if you don't drive you'd have to try and navigate public transport. You'd have no one there when you were sick (and unless you have health insurance you wouldn't have easy access to medical facilities). You'd get feelings of being ignored and overlooked, not to mention lonely.  I'm not telling you this to scare you, I'm telling you this because I've been there.

    Think about what you have you here, put your energy into fixing it, then you can leave once you're 18 with a clean slate. If you do want to move to the US I'd suggest Canada. Australia has reciprocal working holiday agreements with Canada (where we don't with the US) and a whole bunch of other countries. There are job fairs available, so you'd be able to get a job before you leave. Or even, try doing it for three months as a camp counsellor.

    Hope I've helped. Good luck!

  2. I agree with many of the posters here.  I lived in America for 16 years.  I have visited Melbourne once every year for three years in a row.  While there are good things about America, it has its problems.  Besides the main thing is I don't think it's a good idea to run away because you feel your life in Australia is terrible.  You probably should sit down and pour your heart out to your parents about your problems, or to someone you can trust and relate.  If you hold the attitutde of running away and start life anew because the place you are right now is terrible, it won't solve the problem.  Australia is a wonderful place from what I can see, and it doesn't have many of the social political problem America has.  Try and work things out from where you are.  It is not a bad idea to go to college in America and gain the experience of a slightly different culture.  But in the end, you might decide to go back to your home after all.

  3. I agree with the person below if your over 18 just go.. other wise stick it out a few more years. Have you asked your self questions like, do you have the money and how are you going to support yourself over there?? What are your goals and objectives?? Is moving to a totally different country and culture worth it and really what you want??

    Good Luck :)

  4. how old are you....If you are under 18 i suggest you stay untill then. otherwise, you are an adut but beware, what are you going to do for a living once you get there? where will you live? Life isnt free you know

  5. Lol, why move to America? Australia has a more stable economy, better wealth distribution and social care. Even the education is better. America is just glossy because its where all the tv shows come from. Besides, australia is slowly adopting american traits anyway. Wait about 10 years and you probably won't have to move. I'm not trying to be slanderous, there are some awesome american places. But the probability of improving your living standards is unlikely.

    Plus, convincing parents to move is hard enough without a better reason than "I want to! I've been having dreams about it!!!" If you really want to move you should somehow get your dad a really good job opportunity over there. No parents want to move where they are already living comfortably (even somewhant comfortable) because moving into an unknown place is scary.

  6. one way of convincing them is maybe you could go with maybe a friend or something do they are more likely to approve and not feel as worried about you have you ever been to america its big step in life to take I'm 25 myself and by running away from your problems don't help it all it makes it  worse in the long run i know from experience they do fix have you thought about maybe just another state to start over.  

  7. Depends on how old you are.

  8. Maybe just move interstate

    it would be a lot easier, both in terms of moving there and in terms of convincing your parents

    What about your life is so horrible here?

    i agree a change of scenery could be a good thing, but maybe not so drastic

    if i were you i would move interstate, like go to sydney or something

    stay there for a while, if you don't like it then think about other options, like america

  9. hi there I'm from uk and i know how it feels you'll have to convince your dad and teel him that you need to make a life in america and that your future is in your dads hand most inportant you have to be 18

  10. Believe me (and I don't imagine you will), the 'geographical' solution is virtually never the way to solve problems.

    America seems like the promised land, but it really isn't. It's not anything like you imagine it will be and you'll be very disappointed indeed if you think that  moving there is the answer to your prayers. I've lived in America off and on for years and Australia is a far better place to live, the people are much nicer and social pressures there are an order of magnitude worse than they are in Australia.

    You should try to determine exactly (and honestly) what's wrong with your life here and see if there's a less drastic change you can make. A new school can make a huge difference if you know what mistakes you made at the last school and make sure you don't repeat them at the new one. That's not to say that your problems are in any way your own fault. Often the mistake can be as simple as getting involved with the 'cool group' b!tches or going out with the wrong guy.

    Moving your whole family isn't a good idea if the motivation doesn't come from your parents. It would be a big change for you, but you have NO idea just how huge it would be for them and there's every chance that your family would suffer in ways you can't even imagine.

    Show maturity and solve your problems here. When you're of age, you can always try the US option, but you really do need to solve the Asutralian problems before you even think of pulling up stakes here.

  11. Hmmmm - really depends on your age

    If you've finished school and are 18, then you're free to pack your bags and fly away

    If you're still in school and under their care AND they are paying your way for most things, then you should wait until you're financially stable.

    Having a dream about America isn't necessarily indicative of a Sign for you to leave.

    P.S - Australia is a great country, USA has alot of problems , and at the moment , with gas prices / unemployment / house prices crashing / hard to rent - it might not be in your best interests.

    Sometimes you have to discover things out on your own, but I'd NEVER go to America, not even on holiday. We have the good life here for sure :-)

    All the Best However  :-)

  12. Why of all places America? I mean, when I get older I want to move away too- I'm not all to fond of Australia- but even I recognise it is a MUCH better place to live in.

    Also I find you a bit of a whimp- you are going to have problems in life- really, everybody has them- what are you going to do? Run off to another Country each time? Trust me dear, there aren't enough of them.

    However if you are over 18, go right ahead to America- you no longer need your parents permission- but if you are a minor, I think it selfish of you to ask your family to re-locate just because you have your issues here.

    Why don't you go to a new school instead?

  13. It really depends how old you are... if you are under 18 and live with your parents who work and you want them to move too then think about it... they will need to find jobs there, schooling for you, and a house... and if you are older you will have to find a job and a house there... and what if you don't like it?

    Personally I would love to live in Australia... the weather looks so much better and the accent rocks.. :) :) :)

    Some of us live in Britain, Scotland where it always rains as it is doing outside my window right now :P

    I'm sure a change would be cool but enjoy the world your living... Maybe when I'm older with qualifications I might concider moving but if you've grown up in Australia why want to leave it all behind?


  14. Lol, why move to America? Australia has a more stable economy, better wealth distribution and social care. Even the education is better. America is just glossy because its where all the tv shows come from. Besides, australia is slowly adopting american traits anyway. Wait about 10 years and you probably won't have to move. I'm not trying to be slanderous, there are some awesome american places. But the probability of improving your living standards is unlikely.

    Plus, convincing parents to move is hard enough without a better reason than "I want to! I've been having dreams about it!!!" If you really want to move you should somehow get your dad a really good job opportunity over there. No parents want to move where they are already living comfortably (even somewhant comfortable) because moving into an unknown place is scary.

  15. don't do something so drastic if your under18 move schools if you are over 18 how about moving suburbs and if it gets drastic ask if you can move to another state like Tasmania or Adelaide

  16. well all you have to do is sit them down and say something like this.... "mum, dad. i've been thinking lately and i havent been going very well at school (or work or whatever you do) and i was thinking that i want to start fresh in america." TIP- do not smile whist you are saying this, look very serious and if they say NO straight away then say that dont they believe in you or something

    hope i helped

  17. Australia is the best place on earth to live. Maybe you need to look at the reason your life is horrible here and change that.  If you are still at school, and your problems lie there, see if you can change schools, its the best way to get a new start without the tens of thousands of dollars it would cost to up root your family and move to another country! I know thats not the advice you are looking for, but oldies usually won't go for the "lets move to america thing" no matter how convincing your reasons may be, sorry honey, just hang in there, things will get better.

    Good luck :-)

  18. You seriously think that they're just going to up and change there life cause you said so?

    How about you try working real hard at school and maybe convincing them first to do a 12 month exchange programme?

  19. You can't just move to America. Your parents would need to have what they call a Green Card, and they are not easy to get. Your parents would need to have jobs to go to before they would be allowed to go there to stay. Emigration is quite different from going somewhere for a holiday.

  20. Um... I'm wary of giving too much advice because you sound very, very young. If you're not an adult, don't even think about it. And if you've just become a legal adult, bear in mind that in America your safety network would be a long, long way away. Have you lived on your own before? Are you able to support yourself here? Have you got a visa? Can you get a visa? What will you do if you can't find work once you're there? If you're hellbent on going without a good plan, just make sure you've got enough cash for your return flight in a safe place.

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