
I need HELP filing a complaint against my apartment management?

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Please only answer if you have a valid solution to my problem. My landlady and maintenence man do nothing to make sure my home is worth it's rent. Things in my apartment have been broken since Feb. with no end in sight. The landlady leaves the office unattended all day. My roommates car got towed not because she was parked in the wrong spot but because we turned in our permit paperwork and the landlady lost it. We have went without water/hot water and I have already called the management company and district manager with no avail. Is there a housing authority for Claremont or Los Angeles county? In other helpful advice would be great.




  1. If it's hot water, then call the health department.

    They will do a full inspection and send her a notice to comply...or be shut down.

    However, that isn't good news for you if she doesn't comply b/c if they comdemn an apartment that ends your lease and means you have to move.

  2. For help go to:

    Every complaint you have made can be defended if you take it to arbitration where disputes are settled.

    From now on don't call the management company, do everything in writing and send it by registered mail. From what you have said I believe you are entilted to generous compensation!  Good luck

  3. I remember you, the rude person with the nasty attitude sending vulgar emails.

    If you speak as vulgarly as you write this may be why your landlord is not rushing to fix your broken garbage disposal.

    The health department will not care about the disposal.

    You contact the police about an unlawful towing, the housing authority will not care about that any more then the disposal.

    Your best solution would be to change your attitude and talk to people decently, the landlord may be more inclined to worry that you broke to the disposal.

    If any of my tenants acted like you do there is no way they would get anything from me that I was not required by law to provide....and garbage disposals are not required.

  4. You should be able to contact the city or the health department and file a formal complaint.

  5. What do you ultimately want to result from you complaint?  Do you want to get out of your lease and move?  Do you want the stuff fixed?  You should figure out what your goal is then determine your course of action.

    The water/hot water issue could count as a habitability matter if it was over a period of time. This site talks about your rights in CA pertaining to habitability  ( which could get you out of your lease (if you follow legal procedure).

    If you just want the stuff fixed, that site also talks about the proper procedure for having stuff fixed on your own and deducting the cost from your rent.

    If you have beef with your landlady and you want to make her life difficult...don't.  It's not worth it.  It will not improve your life one little bit.

    Good luck!

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