
I need Help! My 15 year old Gf may be pregnant and I dont know wtf to do!?

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Im only 16, and my Gf is only 15! We had what we thought was safe s*x but made a simple mistake! Now we think she is pregnant! I dont have a job and no ones hiring! Wth am I supposed to do about this! Should I use my college savings? My mother knows, but if her parents learn about it then we wont be able to see each other anymore! I am not going to ditch her or the child, but wtf do I do! We were set on marriage and children but not until we are 18+ and were already ready for one! I cant even drive yet! Please tell me what to do!




  1. Pregnancy test is the best way to find out. So i don't think hef parents should find out until you know for sure. don't cause any trouble for no reason. You should not be having s*x until your ready to deal with the possible consequences.

  2. are u sure that shes pregnant,,,consult first a doctor to confirm if its true that she is,,then try to tell it to your parents,,,then they will be the one to talk with your girlfriends parents,,its hard to seek for a job now so continue studying as long as your parents wanted to,,,for the child there is what we call adoption but still she/he is still your child,,,,but never think of abortion cause you will be adding sin,,to God and to your selves

  3. Go to planned parenthood, find out the facts. Maybe she's not pregnant, stress can delay periods among other things, if not get her on birth control, like monthly depo or somthing, if you cant be trusted to use condoms, you cant be trusted to take a pill every day at the same exact time.....

    if you are pregnant...well you BOTH have to talk. Its up to no one else. You may want to keep the child, dont worry, our government will help you out to get started, if you want to let the child be adopted that is also  an admiral decision. There is also the FOUL decision to abort the child, i was raised to believe it was an okay decision.... I made that decision.....I pray for my soul everyday, and also I pray for my sanity, cause I cant say that it hasnt affected my head.....I just pray no girl just.... makes that decision, before they have a chance to let it sink in... a  life inside you.... if I sound bitter, well I am, for not being raised in a good christain household.... To those who hate abortion, please pray for me... and all others who make that decision w/o truely understanding

    i still dont object to our "choice", but I think we should impress on women how things can work out, rather than fail, focus on the positive.... next thread :P

  4. well, make sure she's actually pregnant before you freak ou. and if she is, then think about your options, but,please,PLEASE, don't let her get an abortion! if you don't want the baby, then just give it up for adoption. hope i helped.

  5. pray that it is only a scare....then keep it in your pants for a few more years. I have been in your GF position and it is not fun at all. I had 2 scares before I graduated HS, then got pregnant with my oldest at 20 years old.

    If she is indeed pregnant the  you have to tell her parents. Make sure you let them know that you intend to do the right thing and take care of her. Start out by using a small portion of your college savings to help buy her maternity clothes, and later things for the baby before it comes. After consulting your parents you might want to draw up a child support agreement and have it notarized. Keep trying to find a job until you get one. and don't change your mind and decide to be a jerk like so many other guys do. I hate guys like that.

  6. wow, they are going to beat your ***. Don't know what your should do.  You two are too young to have a child. What about being a teen and expirencing life. You do have options: abortion, adoption, ????

    You should go to planned parenthood and get help.

  7. You first need to find out if she is pregnate or not, it could be just a scare that will teach you a lesson about waiting until marriage. If she is pregnate, these are the steps you have to do.....get your license, get a job, get a cheap safe vehicle that will fit a car seat/stroller/diaper bag ect ect, save save save! Be supportive and no matter how hard it gets, dont be a dead beat dad. You felt you were old enough to have s*x and with s*x comes responsibilities. You now have your GF and your baby to take care of. You will have to grow up and that means a job, no more going out with buddies and hanging out, no spur of the moment decisions, no video games, no violent tv shows or movies in front of the baby and the list goes on and on.

    If she isnt pregnate, I suggest you think of it as a sign from God that having s*x probably should wait as least a couple of more years. If she is though, it will all work out in the end and be ok as long as you try your best.

  8. Planned Parenthood will offer you some references about adoption. It is the very unselfish thing to do. Your child will have a home where there is plenty of money and will be well cared for. You both need to continue your education so try to  not listen to grandmothers who force her to keep the baby since it will cost you big money for the rest of your life. Ask your parents if you can get an attorney to make this happen.

  9. she needs to take a pregnancy test first cause your not sure about it yet

    if shes really pregnant

    then good luck with that Mr..

  10. well my brain is leaning toward abortion but i dont like abortion... well you have to tell her parents and if they are mean about it then they're jerks she kind of needs you and them if she is... and maybe she cn live with you...

    hope i helped =DDDD and good luck

  11. Well if she is pregnant i believe you guys should keep the child. Although, you made a mistake a innocent baby shouldn't die in consequence of yall mistake. So IF she is pregnant stand up and be a man and handle your responsibilities- you wanted to play grown up and have s*x now face reality. (Well the both of you of coarse.) Its capable of being a teen parent - i know plenty of teen parents that are still in school, working and do whatever they have to do to provide. USA has programs such as wic which would help you feed your infant until they turn 6. You also can receive help from public agencies.

  12. First, take a deep breath. You will get through this. What has your mother suggested? If your girlfriend decides to keep the baby, it's better to tell her parents right away. They will undoubtebly be furious and for good reason. Every parent wants the absolute best for their child. As a parent, I've got to tell you; raising a baby is VERY DIFFICULT.

    If you are against abortion, adoption is a great option. You can have an open adoption. This is where you two get to pick the parents and even be able to visit and receive pictures and updates. This is very common now. Closed adoptions are a thing of the past.

    If you decide to parent at your age, you are going to need lots of help and support from your families.

    Whatever decision you and your gf make may be opposed by either one of your parents, but ultimately it is hers and your decision of what to do with this child.

    If you need someone to talk to that doesn't know you or anyone else involved, please feel free to email me. I'm sure this is a very difficult time for you. Take care.

  13. make sure you go to a doctor and make sure  she shes actully pregnant then if she is sit down with your famlies and talk about it

  14. well its great that you are man enough to stick around and raise the baby. i applaud you for that.

    However, you have to tell her parents so that she can get an abortion quickly if she wants one. You should both tell them together and you should explain to them that you will be there for your daughter and her child. If they have any sense at all they will let you into their lives. If they say no, wth its more your child then it is theirs

  15. it nice to see that at least some guys care about the children they produce and the women that hold them.

    You are freaking out but it will be okay. Having a child that early is like taking a detour, you can alway go back and do the thing you wanted to do but you can't put the child on hold coz its gonna come regardless....unless you get an abortion...

    But it sounds like you care about both and were planning on a family it just came alittle sooner then you thought.

    First you should take her to the doctor and have them do a pregnancy test and learn about prenatal care and so on and then you will have to tell her parents. Talk with her about what she think her parents will respond to best just her or her and you ro her and you and your mother. As long as she is strong about the fact that you two want this and want to start a family together then im sure they will continue to let he see you if not maybe she can move in with you and your family for a while, just til they cool down.

    Thing you will need to concider are what to do about her education... maybe do some research and find out options like if there are any schools of pregnant/mother near by or if your school has any type of procedure for this. Another option might be that your parents take it in turns to look after the child while you two are at school. Best not to assume they will tho so have another plan ready. Also research into government payment for people in your position, their might be away you can help bring money in for the baby and still go to school (which is important) again dont assume your parent will just pay for it... you will need to get a job as well i would say.

    It would help to put some time into this and go to her parents with a detailed plan and some options, as well as your mother support and help. maybe talk to her about it as well.

    Good Luck and congratulations you gonna be a daddy.

  16. First, I would suggest you find out whether or not she's actually pregnant. Younger girls miss periods all the time because their body is still developing.

    Second, if she is pregnant then you and her need to sit down with your parents and her parents and discuss options.

  17. ok u need to calm down for starts take some deep breaths the best to be there for her and try babysitting around ur street and if u get allowens for things do more around the house for more money. and make sure ur gf is get all she needs like going to the doctor and have the promper vamtins and all that. ok

  18. Have your mom talk to her parents. Parents are good at making other parents "understand" different situations. Its really good that your there for the girl though it shows that you are taking responsibility for your actions and hopefully they'll see that. As far as money, Even though you probably dont want to, youmay need to check simple places like grocery stores, resturaunts etc. for jobs. Even if it is a sucky job, you are still bringing in money.

    hope this helps!

  19. First...I think your gf should go see a doctor and see if she's actually pregnant first. And if she is... it's best if you the both of you sit down together and talk about what you're gonna do about it. I'm also proud of you that you wouldn't ditch her and the baby. Most guys aren't like that. About her parents...just have a talk about it with you, your gf, and probably your mom. I don't wanna suggest an abortion if she is...but if you 2 feel that its the best thing for the both of you...then do what's best. Or if not abortion...maybe adoption would help too. I know that if she is pregnant and neither of you are ready to handle the responsibilty of a child...then either an abortion or adoption would be your best choice...for the both you guys.

  20. You have to get a job! Even if its at a fast food joint. You are both going to have to sit down and tell her parents. Tell them together and let them know what your plans are. That you are planning on being a part of the babies life and you are going to support them both the best that you can.

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