
I need Help Urgently!!! My parents are going to shoot me!?

by  |  earlier

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My brother and me were playing soccer in the house and we accidentally broke a statue of an angel that was given to them as a present from my grandma. It was so special to them. they are currently on holidays and get back it 3 weeks. I need to buy something just as special to replace it before they get back so they wont be quite as angry. Does anyone have any idea on what I can get them? I don't care how much money it costs!




  1. If you have an inside animal (cat/small dog or so), you could blame it on them, but if your just not that cold-hearted, you could ask your grandma to buy them another one so it would be just as special, orrrr, you could buy them something that reminds them of how strong the love in your family is, and admit what you did and say sorry.


  2. Why don't you gather up the pieces and take it to a professional to be fixed?

  3. Just tell them the truth.

    If your parents are anything normal, they will forgive you.

    If they really do shoot you, they will go to jail.

  4. Look online for a replica or something that looks absoloutely gorgeous. your bound to find something. =]

  5. Can you fix the angel?

  6. Your parents are going to shoot you? That's a bit harsh don't you think? See if it can be put back together.

  7. just come clean. your parents might be angry, but they will forgive you. if you lie or try to cover up for it, things will be worse.

  8. BANG! You're dead! Buy a very BIG soft toy for your parents and say sorry.

  9. try to fix it first. i am sure they would appreciate a lot the fact that you put the effort into fixing it ;)

  10. You need to find another angel.

    Find a hooker and ask her to contact her friends, get her friends to tell all their regular customers that they are having a special day, also advertise in the classified section of the paper.  Use the house to have a very big party and split the money with the girls.  Use that money to buy a new angel.

    Look for the angel on the internet, I am sure you can find one somewhere.

  11. KATIE her grandma could be dead  

  12. their is nothing you can get them that will replace that statue. me and my brothers broke stuff like that but we always super glued them together again. or you could buy them a ferrari

    good luck and remember always blame someone else,

  13. stick it back together?

    look for a new one?

    or as previously stated...

  14. Dude, don't sweat it.  Take the shot!

    And remember...NO BALL IN THE HOUSE!!!


  16. buying them something better wont change the fact that the angel is broken tell your parents the truth and im sure they will understand. There may even be a way to fix it.

    or you could blame it on your brother :) im just kidding

  17. when they got get back home try to be good to them like washing dishes, clean you house, cook for them etc. do as many things as you can since you are desperate..when they ask you where the statue is or why are you doing good things...tell them that you accidentally broke their statue and make sure you tell them that with your face smiling!

    If they are gonna shoot you, i hope they shoot you in the head so you will not suffer! Good Luck!

  18. OH MY GOD .. i thot they wanted to shoot you

    d**n it

    well , uh .. if they love you they wont really get mad at you

    use the diplomatic way to show how responsible u can be for it

    its kinda hard to get it back since do u even kno where to buy it ??

    so , when they get home , straightly tell them coz if u tell them at a later time , yes their gonna shoot you

    so tell them straightly and how sorry u are

    and then make out a deal , my idea would be work until u pay up the cost of the statue so u can buy another

    that would at least teach u a lesson

    be honest .. it may sound freaking out when ure gonna tell them the truth

    but a guilty person has gotta do what a guilty person has gotta do

    CONFESS !!! before that , just pray for the best  

  19. go and buy the biggest chocolate bar and say sorry

  20. Why not try a furniture restorer - they may be able to do a good quality repair on it.

  21. Find a replica!!!

  22. See if you can find it here

  23. Go to an antique shop and buy them some old statue of sorts.  At least that way it has some sort of story behind it than going to a mass produced shop and buying something that the next door neighbour could have and means nothing to nobody.

  24. Can you ask your grandma if there is anyway you can replace it?  xox

  25. well look up the maker of the angel and see if you can find it, but you might not be able to buy it online.  you don't have a credit card, do you?  i don't imagine that someone playing soccer in the house (WERE YOU RAISED BY WOLVES??  lol... wolves don't play soccer) would have a credit card.

    just try to fix it, maybe you can buy some super glue and fix it up.  be sure to be very careful though--they don't call it super glue just for fun.

    i'm sure they won't shoot you, you might get on punishment for a long while, though.  

  26. try something that reminds them of they're wedding' first date etc....

  27. If I were you (which I'm glad I'm not) as long as the angels not smashed in to a million pieces you could try to fix it. Or if your not too good at that sort of thing you could take it some where to get fixed. If you can't, try find another angel exactly like it! they'll never know! or find another statue, try some markets!....if all else fails....blame your brother! ;)  

  28. Um im Sorry to tell you there is no way of replacing that, it was not the money that was of value to them it was a sentimental value and thats why it was so important to them.

    Your honesty will have to show them how sincerely sorry you are.  

  29. ask your grandma where she got it and get another one :S x

  30. Ask your grandma where it was bought and buy one right away to replace it. :) Or look on line for the same item and order it with express shipping!! If you can't find it, tell them just before they come home so they have time to deal with it before they get back, you will avoid a blow up face to face.Good luck!!

  31. ask your grandma what the statues name was and where she got it from then go get the same one. its the only way they wont be mad. if you get something else no matter how special it is it wont have the same sentimental value so you'll still get in trouble. d**n, why were you playing soccer IN the house??? don't you have a yard???

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