
I need IDEAS? HELP!!?

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My daughter is turning 5. We went yesterday and looked at parks in our area to have a birthday party for my little girl, and found a small neighborhood park that has a playground and wide open spaces. There was literally no one there because this park has no public bathroom facility. We are going to bring our motor home so everyone will have a bathroom to use.

My question to all of you today is what types of outdoor games, relay races or organized activities have you enjoyed at your parties or parties that you've attended?

Also, we're on a very tight budget. What type of "prizes" can we give in goodie bags, etc.?




  1. hot potato is always fun, musical chairs (if you have enough portable chairs for it), simon says...  all of these games leave someone left *or two if you want* to award prizes.  for prizes i would go to Dollar Tree or your local equivalent...  they have puzzles, hair stuff, books, and toys all for $1.  it can really add up fast but it helps if the price is right!  gl and have fun :)

  2. You could have basic running races, the 'funny walk' relays, egg & spoon race is an oldie but a goodie, musical mats (mats are easier to transport than chairs), statues, what's the time Mr Woolf, dance contest, etc.

    For the goodie bags try balloons, cheap hair or jewellery trinkets from the $2 shops, lollies, ribbons, whistle blowers, bubbles, and mini figurines that you can buy in a big pack.

    Have fun!

  3. all girls love hannah montana

    few candies



    balloon that has not been blow up

  4. Think "Field Day" -- water balloon toss, spoon and egg race (eggs should be hard boiled or use plastic), a plain foot race, crab walk, 3-legged race, potato sack race (use pillow cases), Frisbee toss, shoe kick,  get a pinata, pin the tail on the donkey -- there're lots of others I'm sure.  And then you can get all those cheap, plastic toys from any store (rings, spiders, etc.).  Kids are thrilled with this type of stuff and you don't feel guilty when  you throw it away.  In fact, you're darn happy to get rid of it.
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