
I need IVF help? I need some success stories.?

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I am looking for woman out there that had tubal problems and used IVF. I lost my right tube in an ectopic pregnancy and my left tube is blocked. IVF is our only option. Has anyone out there had the same problem. What was your success rate? Everyone else I know that has done IVF had other problems. My ovaries and uterus is in great shape and hubby is fine as well. Please give me your stories.




  1. I do have the same problem. I lost my left tube after and ectopic pregnancy following an IVF cycle. IVF is my only option also because I now have only one tube and the other is blocked and lazy. I have not had a successful pregnancy yet but know many women with tubal problems who have. Believe it or not, IVF success is higher for women with tubal problems than those with unexplained infertility.

    Success depends on many factors including your age, embryo quality, past success, and the clinic's success to name a few. You can find individual clinic's success rates for your age group at

    Good luck to you!

  2. My aunt tried for a long long time and after numerous failures she eventually fell pregnant through IVF and had two beautiful twin boys...

    chances are it will be a long emotional road ahead but keep strong and it will happen!! wish you the best of luck!!

  3. I haven't been through IVF myself but I do know quite a lot about it.  the success rates are about 40% for each cycle in women under the age of 35 and a lot less for older women.  You have to remember there is a lot more failures than successes with this treatment and there is no way to tell why it works for some people and not for others.  The best advise that I can give you is to remain positive.  Remember your chances of pregnancy are much much higher with this treatment than they are without.  With any luck you will be one of the lucky ones and you will have that baby that you want.

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