
I need Italian people please to answer this question?

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Can you please tell me how common the name Gastone is in Italy?

is it an old name not used anymore?

Can you compare how common the name is used to an english one like Steve or Alfred plz




  1. Don't be put off by the bad press the other guys gave you.

    Gastone derives from the French Gaston, which is widely used in France. In Italy the best known character is Donald Duck's cousin, Gladstone Gander,  who is reputed as being "lucky" (not bad for a name). There's a well known Italian actor called Gastone Moschin (older generation), a saint, a cyclist and quite a few well know people in Northern Italy. It is however a  lesser used name in the rest of the country.

  2. Isn't a used name here in italy...

    I'm italian, my neighbour's name is gastone and he's quite old.. ehehe..


  3. No one uses that name. Is as common as Ethelbald, Hardicaunte and Wilhelmina in the USA.

  4. gastone was the friend of michy mouse

  5. I'm Italian....nobody use tht is very old!!


    hugs and kisses


  6. I'm from italy,and the name"gastone" is horrible and so old...I prefere names like: Vittorio,Luca,Edoardo and Michele...

  7. Gastone is a very old name!

    Steve and Alfred is more used than Gastone!

  8. I'm Italian, and yes, it's an old name, but I've got a friend who called her dog Gastone. Someone found it very funny!

  9. is very old and noone use it anymore....

  10. yes is an old name and nobody is using it (I never met anybody with this name)

    thge name was given to  the italian caracter Gladstone Gander, and I think after that people stop to using for people becouse was too strong the association with a cartoon caracter

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