okay some ppl in my last question didn't get my situation i ma going to tell it again.... am 16 going on 17 in a couple of weeks, okay so my mom kicked me out the house and told me that I was going to move in with my dad.. when I heard that i ran away from home (heres why) my dad beat me... physical, verbally, emotional, beat me for 9 years of my life... I have the scares to prove it... then i moved out my dads house cuz i lived with him from the age of 5-13.... then I moved in with my mom... I love my mom I really do but she married a man that likes to hit females as well, so not ony did I have todeal with my dad hitting me I had to deal with my step dad but he was a jerk not just an abuser i could stand living with him..... when I got my first job i had to pay rent, electric, the phone bill, I had to buy my own food, my own clothes.... thats why my best friend mom wants to get custody of me but she wants to do it legaly..... so I have a PERFECT reason for why I want to RUN AWAY and move.... my dad has not hit me every since I moved out.... but he has a short temper..... and he could very well easly go back to his ways... the only reason why he hasn't is becuase I always locked myself in my room.... Can anyone help me... I am trying to leave to go to my best friends mom house how can I do that? and my mom said she doesn't want me back at her house....... so HELP