
I need LIFE HELP! plz plz plz?

by  |  earlier

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ok, i just finshed watching these big clips from YouTude (A Boy's Story) and i feel SO depressed, i was about a boy that had no friend \\\\his twin brother and a girl. this mom made them go to a old friend B-Day. he had no fun but he did meet a boy and they stayed friends. one day they were watching the sunset and the new friend said that he was Bi, the boy was ok with that. to make a long story stort they r now boyfriends and loved eachother. they went though Bad things but they never stopeds loving each other. they went though thing that we would go though,and even telling his mom that he is Bi...

anyways, after i watch that video i was crying for a good hour, (i am BI too) thinking about my mom and people if i would date a guy! i am dating a girl named Zoey I love and all but i never have kissed her,

there isn't anyone to talk to about this (my dad die 2 years ago)

and i just feel sorry sad! i dont want to be g*y (nothing is bad about being g*y) i want to stop hidding

what do i do!




  1. Actually there is nothing for you to be ashamed of. You are who you are and your mom and dad will love you regardless. Be open and honest with them and the rest will be fine! Good for you!

  2. How old are you? I've known lots of g*y and bi people in my life and it's funny because when most of them told their parents, the parents already knew. Things have changed a lot in the last few years. There is a lot more acceptance than there used to be. Hopefully your mom will be accepting. I know it wouldn't make a bit of difference to me if one of my kids was g*y or bi. If you live in a big town, look for a support group so you can meet kids like yourself. Good luck!

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