
I need Spanish help?

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what's the easiest way to memorize the alphabet ?




  1. right the letters down the way they sound like...

    a=ahh b=bay c=say ch=chay d=day and so on

  2. I learned it with a song. It's kind of lame, but it helps.

    You know the military sound off?

    Well, it's kind of like this. Remember, this is like the military sound off, so it follows that rythm and stuff. the single letters are the letters in english, and the other parenthesis mean it's kind of like an echo.

    Ah(a), beh(b), se(c) che(ch) de(d) eh(e) effay(f), (ah, beh, ce che de eh effe), hey(g), achay(h) ee(i) hota(j) kah(k) (hey, achay ee hota kah) and, btw, you kind of mix the ee and achay in the song so it sounds more like achee, just so it all fits. ellay(l) (ellay) ayay(ll) (ayay) emmay(m) ennay(n) enyay(n with curly thing) oh(o) pay(p)! (emmay ennay enyay, oh pay!) Coo(q) eray(r) erray) esay(s) tay(t) (Coo eray erray essay tay) Oo(u) bay(v) doublaybay(w) ayquees(x) (oo bay doublaybay, ayquees) ee greeayga(y) (ee greeayga) Sayta(z) (sayta)

    and then at the end you sing, Yo se mi alfabeto... ole!

    which means i know my alphabet... yay! lol

    I know this is probably really hard to make since of, but I hope I helped.

  3. pretend that u r drunk and say it with an acsent

  4. Walk south 2500 miles, I'am sure they can help.
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