
I need The Pill?

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Ok I need to know If there is a certain age you have to be to be on birth control?My moms always threated to put me on it but never has and I finally want to take charge on my own and just do it!{ Im talking about the pill there <<} My friend is 14 too and is on it. Do you know the steps they take to put you on it? Help needed. [=




  1. Go to a planned parent hood place or a free clinic...they will help you out without your parents consent (for the most part depends on your location). Stay safe and dont be doing anything stupid!! Take care!

  2. Well before they put you on it, you need to be on your period. I guess they do it to make sure you aren&#039;t pregnant.

  3. Why do you need to be on the pill? Do you know all the risks associated with taking the pill? Migraines, weight gain, blood clots, hypertension, nausea. Do you know that it is still possible to get pregnant while taking the pill? Do you know that having a loose bowel or taking some antibiotics makes the pill ineffective? This is real medicine with real consequences. You really should discuss this with a doctor.

    In addition, the pill will not protect you from STD&#039;s. And sexually transmitted diseases are for life. You would do well to think about why at 14 you are engaging in this type of risky behavior. Despite the fact that it is illegal and the guy could be charged and go to jail if caught, your health and well-being should be most important.

    Do you need to be worry about being pregnant or need to expose yourself to diseases? Do you know that it only takes 3 sexual partners before your risk for numerous health issues increases significantly above the norm, and that&#039;s for life? Some STD&#039;s cause liver disease, reproductive diseases, even cancer.

    Yes, you can find a way to get the Pill, but the bigger issue is why you want to risk your whole life and your future at such a young age. I hope that you can find a social worker or therapist to talk to about these issues.

    ETA: The fact that you think you do not need help is a real sign that you do. Why do you want to do this at 14 years old? Do you really think your bf would be with you if you were NOT having s*x with him? Go ahead and try it, and see what he says. Even more reason NOT to be sleeping with him. You need to talk to a professional person, and get your head back on straight. Even if your family is not worried about you getting pregnant or an STD, there are people who are. Do you know what you will do if you do get pregnant? You want a baby at 14? Just b/c all your friends are doing it, you think you should, too?

    Newsflash: All these people who say what they are doing are not. Stop thinking about having s*x, and start thinking about your future, your education. You can do and be anything you want to be. And you will regret this decision when you get older, and you may get more than you bargain for, a baby, Hepatitis, Herpes, or HIV. This is not a joke.

    And, NOT to be overlooked, it&#039;s STATUTORY R*PE of a minor, no matter how you slice it. And I hope your bf gets caught with his pants down -- pun intended!
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