
I need Webkinz World help!!!?

by  |  earlier

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i know i'm usually answering these questions but i really need to know this! how do i trade items?!?!?!?!!? plumpy won't help me and when i look in the clubhouse, there is no "Trading room" WEBKINZ LOVER TO WEBKINZ LOVERS! I NEED UR HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...




  1. idk! i was about to ask that same question! im sorry i cant help. but i trade with my friends all the time at the kinzpost. we just send gifts to eachother and send thank yous. but sometimes i give her something and she gives me something because we wanted one of eachothers item. so you could call that trading. hope this helps!

  2. ganz took it down. it was literally open for aboutr 15 minutes. they're making it even more secure, i think there was a glitch where one person didn't get their item. it will only do good!!

  3. the trade room isn't here right now cuz its being fixed. go to

    the only other way is to either wait until the trade room comes back or send an item through kinzpost

  4. Oh the trading tables will be back! for right now you should ask If can trade anyone thing.  but don't trust any yet! They could be scams.  My username is sunm


  6. ok the trading room ist there right now. its under construction and shoud be up soon. theres diretions be patient and ull get it once its bakc up

  7. you go to the kinzpost and then send something to any of your friends and then you can ask them to send you something back in the kinz chat room if you see them ! and you can discuss anything there is no trading room in the kinz chat room!

  8. The 'Trading Room' --was-- in the clubhouse, but they had to take it down to fix some bugs. Don't worry, it will be up soon. =)

  9. If you mean trade by give something to someone go to the kinzpost and send it to the person you want to send it to

  10. i think if it is in the whats new page then they should have it

    i really wanted to go to it but looks like ill have to wait because kinzpost isnt reliable

  11. webkinz took back the trading room to make it better.  but if you want to trade, send the item through the kinz post office.

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