
I need ***YOUR*** opinions these BILLIARD NICKNAMES---This question is YOUR opinions?

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Do you think these are good nicknames for a POOL (BILLIRADS) player? If yes, which one do you like better and why, thanks







  1. Yeah!

    Thundrobolt and leitning - merry merry freitning mi.

    If you remember that song from Kween :-))

  2. Are these words spelt correctly? They keep coming up on the misspelled line.

  3. Yeah i think that thundrobolt is a good nickname because i think that it sounds better than thundrobird and i love billiards and i thundrobolt would be better nickname because people would then know why you are called that and not thundrobird.

    hope i helped!!! and good luck with the billiards!!!

  4. Knock yourself out



    Johnny was that Top Water that used to play in S'port and in Dallas with Little Al, if so his name started when a player was trying to freeze real money but TW only wanted by the game. The player said for TW to stop swimming shallow and come down with the big fish...topwater stuck.


  5. Doesn't matter. If you can back up the strong meaning behind them, fine. If you can't back'em up better go with something else. Just my two-points worth.

  6. If you like it use it we will think of plenty to call you if you beat us

    I know a REAL hot stick named TOP WATER never have figured that one out

  7. Hmm on first glance I don't really like either too much. But thundrobolts kind of growing on me.

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