
I need a Lawyers Opinion, Or Someone that is at least good With the United States Constitution?

by  |  earlier

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Look, I was in my hose and I and my door opened and my screen door was closed. My Neighbor came over and started to accuse me of cutting down this flower tree. And it wasnt me and she said she is going to smash me and, you get what I mean, I told her I ould call the cops and then she then said "Go Ahead". She then said she is going to slap my face, right at my door. So what can I say to the cop, Do have i have a Constitutional Rights ? Did she violate any, please tell me.




  1. 1. Verbal abuse you can file a complaint with the Police Department.

    2. She was on your property uninvited and threatened you , file a complaint withe the Police Department.

    3. Next time open the door , whatever you do , Do  Not touch her in any way, shape, or form , be sure to keep your hands to your side, and Let Her Hit You !! This is assault and she will get arrested once the Police arrive . Just Remember ....Do Not Touch Her under any circumstances , and call your local Police the moment this happens.

    4. If she should come back on your property if and when you file a complaint and either threatens you in some way , or does destruction to your property , immediately call the Police.

    No one has the right to come onto another persons property whether you own it or rent it uninvited and threaten you in any manner and a phone call to the Police to have it on record  , they will come out and take a report and it will be in your best interest against any future dealings with this person.

  2. She threatened you.- That's a crime anywhere.

    But just verbally, so it's not too serious, and you can't prove it,

    because she'll deny it. So basically report it, in case anything

    further comes of it, and let it go.

    If she was just upset about her tree, and got a bit out of line,

    give her a break. She's a neighbor, and you've got to live there.

  3. You can call the police and report her for verbal assault.  Since she threatened you, you might even be able to go to court and get a restraining order against her to keep her off your property.

    But no, this isn't a constitutional rights issue.  

  4. I agree with the first comment, definitely  no con law issue but maybe assult  and trespassing.  make sure you get a record of your neighbors behavior by filing police reports or from some other independent source such as statements from neighbors. If you believed that you were in danger be sure to include that with a reason why you thought so in the report. It will be hard for you to make an actionable case from just  one instance of a pissed off neighbor.

  5. 1) Tell the police that you want a trespassing warning given to her and that you want proof that they told her/him never to return to your property.  This will allow you to press charges in the future if you chose to and if they repeat this kind of behavior.

    2) Did the person open the screen door and enter your house? This is somewhat vague in the way you've told the story.  If she/he did, tell the police you want him/her arrested for breaking and entering or criminal trespass (depending on whether or not the door was locked).

    3) It is important that you describe the physical actions which accompanied the "slap my face" comment.  If it was simply her telling you calmly that she would slap your face, that isn't criminal.  But if she made a threatening gesture (like winding up to hit you), it would constitute a simple assault.

    Be very clear and honest to the police.  Do not let them pass it off as "some kid," tell them clearly what you want done.  

  6. verbal assault if anything, call 5  O and they may take a report but no lawyer will b looking for con law issues

  7. a little melodramatic today aren't we?

    of course you have rights, but a neighborly shouting match hardly rises to even 1 1000th of that level.

    call the cops if you feel threatened.


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