
I need a Passport for my dog to go to EU.They require a microchip.?

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They require a microchip to be scanned at the Port of Entry into EU, plus the regulary health certificate.




  1. You can get both from your veterinarian, and quite cheaply at that. Microchipping animals IS a smart thing to do, especially if you travel. It identifies the animal, it's owner, and any medical problems the animal may have (heart conditions, etc.). A health certificate just states that the dog is in good health with no communicable diseases and appropriate vaccinations that are up to date.

  2. what is your question?????

  3. Yes, a microchip is definitely required along with your shot records! All European countries require rabies shots but the requirements how old it can be are different. The majority requires minimum of 4 weeks ago and maximum of a year old. The microchip won´t hurt your dog in case you´re worried, our dog had it put in years back when travelling to france and if I didn´t know where it is, I would not even know it´s there (and she has no idea either.. lol). Once it´s placed you register it right away and it will identify you as the owner with contact address and everything, you never know, if your dog isn´t used to staying close by you he might get lost and this way you´re sure to find him again! It´s not very expensive either, I think it should be between 40 and 70 Euros. Hope you and your dog enjoy your trip!

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