
I need a Senior Quote... ?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so I'm a senior, and i need a senior quote. It can't be to long and it cant be dirty. To sum myself up, I'm really humorous and care free. I work really hard though and i'm considered the "leader" of my class. So if anyone has some good ones, i would really appreciate it! Thanks!




  1. Just think! One day we will look back on this year and laugh our butts off.

    We will look back on today, smile nervously and change the subject.

    We will look back on today and get a serious case of the giggles.

    Remember! Now is the time to ask the folks for some cash...before unemployment sets in.

    As you climb the ladder of success, watch out for the missing runnnnngs.Splat!

    On your interview speak  firmly and enunciate clearly, " You want fries wit dat?"

    We're is now a matter of record, ______ High School has once again failed its duty to the  senior class.

  2. Senioritis:: A moment wasted is a moment well spent


  3. wisdom is what you get for a lifetime of listening when you would have rather talked. -ben franklin

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