
I need a background for a collage?

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My friends birthday is wednesday. i have gathered bunches of pictures that i want to put in an old window frame. i need some ideas for what to put behind the pictures. cloth? a big picture of something? Once she made me one and behind the pics there were cards that we used to play with. I need something good! please help!




  1. A cool patterned cloth would be really nice.  Also, you could glue down a bunch of different colored paper so different colors will pop through the pictures and create a cool look.  You could personalize it to her: if she's a musician use music, if she likes to read use pages from a book or something.  Or, if you're looking for something to put between the pictures if you two have memories or inside jokes you can type them up or write them out and put them between the gaps of the pictures.  Puff paint is always fun too :)  Whatever you do I'm sure it'll look great and sounds like something your friend should really appreciate.   Enjoy and hope it helped.

  2. I used an old favourite jacket for one collage made of buttons and badges.One of my friends from art college used to use homemade boxes,like grandfather clocks.Any box is useful,I've just picked up a nice old one covered in pewter repussee,which I'm going to make up for a friend,we call them "boxes of delights." I've just done one full of Chinese bits and bobs,sweets,note books,pens,doll key rings,all sorts of pretty things,wrapped up in Chinese newspaper, for a little girl of about 7,in our family.They don't cost a lot but are always filled with little novelties,even antiques,for that special person in my life.

  3. You can use anything.  

    Do you have any favorite birthday wrapping paper?  Or how about a menu or napkin from your friends favorite resturauant?  Think of your friends favorite things and places and go with that.  

    Why not try bubble wrap or straws?  Your imagination can help you out on this one.  There are endless possibilities.

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