
I need a board game that just need a board and game peices (or can use a regular deck of cards)?

by  |  earlier

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I'm re-doing a coffee table and I'm thinking about painting a board game onto the top..... what are some board games that don't require the GAME deck of cards - it's okay if it can be played with regular cards.... game peices... and dice are fine too. But something simple enough to get onto a table

No monopoly-type games -- too much required to play.. basically SIMPLE games...

but not checkers/chess -- that's too common... I want something less common

help? thanks !




  1. Parchessi is simple, yet different than chess.  A kid can play it, but it baffles adults.  Lots o fun, and my kid kicks my butt at it all the time.

  2. Backgammon

  3. (1) Risk is a great board game, and less common than seeing a chessboard.

    Navigate by hitting your browser "back" button after viewing this example of how somebody already demonstrated the Risk board:

    (2) You may have dismissed Chess too quickly as being too common.

    The uniqueness is secured by selecting the perfect decorative pieces.

    What do you like: History, Art, Literature? The pieces are available.

    What do you like: Wood, Gems, Colours? The pieces are available.

    Pieces of such uniqueness would be for display, not for practical play.

    You could instead go for pieces that would be best for actual Chess matches.

  4. If you are interested in word games, consider Scrabble.  I am looking into getting a person who does wood working and painting to make me a table with a Scrabble board painted on the top.

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