
I need a break, from my husband, my 3 yr. old and my 6 month old how do I get away for some me time?

by  |  earlier

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I run a home daycare, so my kids are with me all day everyday, my husband is a truck driver and when he is home doesn't help much, just plays w/ the kids then he's "too tired" I just need an hour here or there, I can't send them to grandparents that's not an option??? not much monr=ey to work with either??/




  1. "Me" time is MORE important than people realize.  It's your time to re-group, relax, be an adult, be a person, have feelings, experience something other than changing diapers, running around after kids, picking up toys, doing laundry and making sure every one is fed and clean... you know what I'm talking about?  It's time for you to find yourself so that when you are with the kids you're not all stressed out yelling at them getting all upset and all that.  What good would you be to your kids then?  What would you be teaching them?  That they are of no value?  Forget all your needs - focus on someone elses?  No.  You've got it figured out already - you KNOW the value of "Me" time.  The question comes in terms of HOW do I get it.  

    All the suggestions that the others gave are great.  I agree - movie time is priceless.. you can really escape.  Spa, shopping, just going to the mall to walk around... window shopping (you mentioned not much money).  Also, you can rent a movie, and watch it at home when the kids take their nap, or go to bed for the night... maybe even while you're in the tub soaking in bubbles (portable DVD player).

    As far as who will watch your kids... neighbor, friend, family, babysitter, HUBBY (he's already spending some time playing with them - you just take off when he's with them)...

    I mentioned going shopping... I know you're on a budget, but I got this link today in an email I got... I get all sorts of things e-mailed to me ;-)  and it's for a free giftcard.  Fill it out.. you never know... get it and go buy something for yourself for a change :-)  

    My brother filled one of these things out and got a free GPS for this car... he was so excited that it worked... but that's a story for another day :-)  

    I've placed the link below for you.

  2. Get out of the home daycare business, get back into the workforce, put your kids in a different daycare.

    Build a life where you can have some extra time alone.  This doesn't make you a bad mother at all.  It helps to have time away from your kids and build independence for all in the situation.

  3. After putting them to bed, take a nice soothing bath.

  4. yikes, that sounds tiring, but you seem really dedicated. I can understand the need for a break. Do you have any friends, or neighborhood kids (that you trust, of course)who can watch them for an hour? You could just let them watch a movie together, or something that doesn't require supervision.

  5. are you close to any of your clients ? perhaps you can trade some time with one of your daycare families ? one weeknight or weekend night a month they watch your children, and one weeknight or weekend night a month you take their child/children while the adults go to dinner or a movie.

    i also know there are MOPS (mothers of preschoolers) groups that hold "meetings" where you can get together with other moms in your situation, and my sister attends church functions that offer "nursery care". right now she is doing their book club and loves that little bit of adult interaction.

    i suggest asking friends or other family to help out, or look around for a teen in your area that wouldn't charge too much to babysit for an hour or two.

    i also run a daycare, and i am a single mom. i get excited when i can to the grocery store alone! good luck figuring SOMETHING out !

  6. I've heard that the worst mistake a mother can make is to forget to take care of her own needs.  You get run down and you aren't at your best.  Everyone should take at least 1 hour everday for yourself - whether it's getting the neighbors to watch your kid for an hour, or a bubble bath after everyone is in bed.  Keeping your sanity should always be a priority.  

    My suggestion is to sit down and talk to your husband.  Lots of guys do exactly what you describe and they don't understand that you are just as tired as he is but stuff still has to get done and you need some personal time as much as he does.  Try to work out a regular time when your husband can take the kids to the zoo, Chuck E Cheese or to the park.  Only an hour or two during the week - but enough time for you to regain your sanity.  If he's still resistant, start talking about hiring help: housekeeper etc - because you are too tired to do it all.  Once money is brought up, he may start changing his tune and contributing more.

  7. I am a stay at home Mom too that runs a home daycare and I too can sympathize. I have three children and it does seem like it is hard to get a break. I think that "getting a job" is out of the question as one other person suggested. I am trying to raise my kids myself. That way I am sure that they turn out to be what I pray everyday that they will be. It is called sacrificial love!  There is no sacrifice to big! I am sure you will agree. There is still the issue of you needing time to yourself though and that is VERY important. Do you have any other friends that may need time out also and would they be willing to switch off with you watching each others children so that both of you get time to yourselfs. That way  you would not have to pay for someone. I have found that if I get up early and spend a little bit of time to myself  It seems to help my day go better. If morning is not an option then maybe evenings?? Anyway hang in there. It gets easier as the children get older. I have been doing this for 8 years now and it is sooooo worth it. I do not regret one minute of it! You won't either! Somethings are more important than money or time or even sanity for that matter.  God Bless!

  8. Maybe TELL your husband that you need to go out and get some you time before you go insane.  Make sure he knows watching them for the evening is NOT an option. Then go to dinner and a movie with a friend.  Movies are great to keep your mind occupied.  Or just dinner and drinks if you fancy that more.  When you get home you will feel really refreshed.

  9. Get away at a spa!!! Plan ahead, maybe take a few of ur girlfriends with u. Do the whole spa treatment, complete with ur nails done. U will go home feeling like a queen!!!

  10. I would say, explain to ur hubby that u need some "me" time more often, because ur overwhelmed. U may understand him being exhausted, but he needs to also understand that u r too! It's understandable if u have a 6 month old child! as well as other children. I will give my 2 cents though. a situation like this, i don't see getting any better with just a lil me time, i mean being as u RUN a daycare, and have a 6 month, and ur husband's gone a lot.

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