
I need a breakfast that is quick?

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i have 5 min. for breakfast so i don't eat anything plus i don't like what we have whats a nice quick idea that's a drink for breakfast plus i make the drink at night and freeze it. so it has to be cold and freeze able. the first good and tasty idea will get ten points




  1. try frozen chocolate chip eggo waffles =]

    OR carnation instant breakfast

  2. Oh, I have about that long too... Here's what I do and it keeps me going until lunch:

    1. An omlet with some kind of meat, like ham or bacon, with some cheese in it too.

    2. Hot Pockets! Those things are amazingly delicous and only take like 1 or so minutes to cook! Also, they have this little pocket to carry it around in, so you can easily eat and drive!

    3. Drink wise: I LOVE these protein drinks called BOOST, they are really tasty!

  3. I have Carnation Instant Breakfast every morning and it tastes amazing, I have the Chocolate kind and it tastes exactly like Chocolate milk.

    They also have Vanilla and Strawberry flavors.

    It's really great because it takes only a minute to prepare and another two to drink, and it fills you up until your next meal. =)

  4. you can make a smoothie of fruit or cereal, for example, put the cereal you want then put ice cream, put milk or water, and put fruit if you want then freeze it up and then next day when you wake up you take it out go shower dress and everything and when ready to eat it and done  

  5. the quaker instant oatmeal or the ensure. choose one from both you don't need anything more for breakfast  

  6. You can eat a poptart without toasting it , gripz , a handful of cearel , or anything like a pprotein bar. and for a drink a bottle of water or juice!

  7. Instant breakfast.  Stir the powder into a glass of milk.  It's full of vitamins and nutrients.

  8. Real Banana drink, fill you up good an proper.

  9. Snickers Duo works for me.

  10. Have You heard Of These Yogurts Called Frubes ??? .,,,, ,, Well if You Have Then Put A Couple Of Them In The Freezer At Night And In the Morning They Will Be Frozen ,, Yummy , Then Maybe After That Just have A Banana Or Something , Because Bananas Are Soooooo Healthy For You , Plus They Give You Long Slow Releasing Energy to keep You Going Till Lunch Time !

    Hope I Helped =D x

  11. Banana, ice cubes(about 4), milk(a cup) and a little sugar or honey(but it doesn't really need it)...add some berries if you want as well.... blend it all together. So Filling, and thick and tasty!!!

  12. Sometimes i make french toast, pancakes, or waffles and freeze the leftovers. You can just heat them up in the microwave and have them for breakfast or a snack. Hope i helped! :)

  13. 2 words mickie dees

  14. A bowl of cereal is always a good idea. Quick and easy AND if you get one of those nifty tubberware things that has an ice pack ring where you put a little container of milk and another bowl on top of that where you put your cereal, you can take it on the go.

  15. buy a load of strawberries/raspberries etc, puree them in a blender. add a bit of sugar, then freeze. its lush!

  16. cereal, toast and eggs, frozen waffles or pancakes or french toast sticks, instant oatmeal, pop tarts, toaster studels

    carnation instant breakfast shakes

  17. I sometimes make peanut butter & jelly sandwich.  Good way to get you going.  

  18. They sell pre-frozen breakfast smoothies that you just add juice to and blend.  

    Also breakfast is the best time for some protein so you could boil some eggs the night before and have a hard boiled egg and some veggies (carrots or celery) that are easy to eat on the go.

    The best thing to do is get a juicer and try making some of the recipes that come with it, or make some food the night before and have it ready to go in the mornings.

    Also Zone or Balance nutrition bars are a good start to the day if not something natural.  Some of those are friggin awesome taste wise.

    Good health!  

  19. This is great. It takes about five minutes to do but if you put  it in a flask you can drink it on the go. Chop 1 banana, put it in a sealable freezer bag and put it in the freezer over night. In the morning put the banana, 1 teaspoon of coco powder and about 1 and a half cups of milk in the blender and thenblend it until smooth. Put it in a glass, drink and enjoy.

  20. Quaker Breakfast Cookies:

    -they come in at least 2 flavors (cinnamon apple and oatmeal raisin)

    -high in fiber and calcium

    -taste amazing

    -can eat them on the go

    -taste good heated

  21. a great idea is to mix your favourite fruits together in a smoothie.... (strawberries and blueberries for me) and add milk. :D GREAT.. and fast :D put it in the blender and away u go :D I do it before school all the time  

  22. Try a granola bar. For instance, the nature valley bars. They are DA BOMB!

  23. bread, egg,sausage sandwich with a cup of hot chocolate yummy yum yum

  24. strawberry bannana and bluberries [any friuts you like] with ice and yogurt...blend it up and freeze until the morning and wha-la you have your self a quick smoothie for breakfast!!

  25. if you are willing to make something the night before... you may consider instead of a drink...

      6 week Raisin bran muffins*  you can make  batter on the weekend

    (-very easy-) or some evening... batter will last 6 weeks in refrigerator !!

    Bake 1/2 doz or what ever amt you want every Sunday night  (15 minutes in a preheated 400 oven) ... can grab & go, having homemade muffins during the week, will stay with you until lunch

    ( btw: I add extra raisins )  enjoy!

  26. Cinnamon bagel with cream cheese amd fresh strawberries.  Quick, good, and you can eat it on the run.

  27. drink: a smothie or something similar always gives me a fresh start :D

    food: eggs suniside up help you get through the day untill lunch and even longer! plus u can add different spices to make them taste different so you are not always eating the same thing for breakfast :D

  28. have a fruit smoothie

    its quick and easy and can take without mess

    just get ensure milk and mix with straberry and bananan

    and blend

    its great and gives good energy

  29. I don't know how freezable they are, but the Carnation Instant Breakfasts taste pretty good and have a high nutritional value.  I used to drink them in high school, it's just a quick mix with milk and you're good.  It should keep you alert and energized until lunchtime.

  30. the slim fast shakes, you can buy them already made at the store and you just stick it in the fridge

  31. Oatmeal to go which is like oatmeal granola bars things or fruit thats easy to eat: apples,bananas.

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