
I need a car but cant get credit ?

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i need a car but cant get credit , i live in the uk , just outside glasgow , is there anywhere i can go to get finance without credit checks , i know that the interest rate will be alot higher but i need a car for work and it needs to be reliable . thanks




  1. most legit places will most likely not lend to you becuase they can do a full creit search on you, you might find some car places that will give you credit but the rate will be massive, may not seem like much but over the years the price of the car will cost you double in the end.

  2. Rebuild your credit follow this guide:

    Correct blatant mistakes. Your credit score is only as good as what shows up in your credit report. Review your reports from all three credit bureaus for accuracy once a year as well as several months before applying for a loan. Changing a mistake on your report - such as a payment that is wrongly labeled as late — can take 30 days to three months, sometimes longer.

    Pay your bills on time. This is always a good practice, and it’s especially critical that you make prompt payments close to the time you need a loan. That’s because a late or missed payment in the last few months is likely to lower your score much more than an isolated late payment five years ago.

    Reduce your credit card balances. A heavily weighted factor in your FICO score is how much money you owe on your credit cards relative to your total credit limit. Generally, it’s good to keep your balances at or below 25 percent of your credit card limit, said Jeanne Kelly, founder of The Kelly Group in Brookfield, Conn., which helps clients improve their credit scores.

    Pay off debt rather than moving it around. Since the ratio of your credit card balance to your credit limit is key, closing out an account and transferring the balance simply means you increase that ratio, which is likely to lower your score. In other words, say you owe a total of $2,000 on four credit cards, each of which has a $2,000 limit. Your total credit limit is $8,000, of which your total balance ($2,000) accounts for 25 percent. If you transfer all your balances to two cards and cancel the other two, your total credit limit is reduced to $4,000, and your $2,000 balance now accounts for 50 percent of that limit.


    Don’t close unused credit card accounts near loan time. If you have several credit card accounts but are only using a few of them, you’ll only raise your balance-to-limit ratio if you close the unused ones. You also shouldn’t open new accounts when applying for a loan if possible. If you have a short credit history or very few accounts, opening a new credit line may lower your score since you don’t have a proven track record, said Jan Davis, an executive vice president at TransUnion. What’s more, a new account will lower the average age of your accounts, another factor in your FICO score.

    If you have a bad credit now, you could apply for a credit just for the person with bad credit : Bad Credit Cards

  3. Learn how to hot wire a car.

    Hey presto!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  4. Its not possible that you get loan without credit check. If you need car and its urgent then we suggest you some company who can help you to get a car loan with best rate.

    These company are able to help you:

  5. If you can't borrow money then the only two alternatives are borrow from family or friend, or, save up for one.

    I suspect some people are going to reply with dodgy websites offering to lend money. Be wary of them.

  6. Why not just buy a car from your local auction and pay cash.

  7. save up for 1

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