
I need a car really bad

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I need a car.... im working at walmart and i get a ride to work from my dad every day. Is it likely i can get a loan for a car? I live in Kentucky and im 18....




  1. sure but

    it's unlikely that your making enough to afford one.

    a car note runs $200+ a month, figure at least another $200 a month for gas and insurance.

    your best bet is to save your money until you have  enough for a used car $3K to $4,000 or until your making more money.

    car dealerships will give almost anyone a loan but the APR will be high and you will probably need a co-signor.

  2. You can probably qualify for a loan with a co-signer. Depending on the size of the loan, you could probably get it on your own since you have a job. Check with your local bank or credit union and see what options they can provide you.

  3. Yes you can and you don't have to get a new car you can get a nice used car.  All you have to do is go into a dealership with two of your check stubs and let them know how much you can afford to pay and sometimes they will work with you.

  4. based upon your situation,I think you should find something useful here.

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