
I need a car to get a job I need a job to get a car...?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so I was in the mortgage business and the last 3 employers closed down leaving me unemployed. I lost my car and my house. A wonderful family took me in and I live on their farm. Unfortunately we live in the middle of no where. I just got a great job, finally! I have been looking for months. The problem is I will need to travel and don't have a car. I can't get to work without a car, and I can't get a car without a job. Are they any resources to help me get a car! I want to be self-sufficient, but I don't have anyone who will loan me the money! Does anyone know of a way to earn money from home? I start August 11th, and I need a car, I am willing to work! I can't walk, I am 15 miles away from town, and we don't yhave public transporatation.




  1. so dear you are worried about your bad credit and getting a car loan, but now no need to worry, bad credit doesn't matter at all if your credit history is good enough, well there are many online sources who provide car loan for people have any credit situation and also with minimum interest rates and also if you pay them on time this can help to improve your credit score as well as credit history, for your reference my one of friend had recently got a car loan from there with bad credit and also with minimum interest rate, you can try this source may this could help you.

  2. Want to purchase a new car but don’t have the enough money to buy it, don’t worry there are certain things you can do to buy that car and adjust to pay for it on monthly basis. This is what we call Auto Loan Financing. You can apply for the same at any bank. However, banks will not approve your loan at a time, there are the things that they have to look into before they approve you in favor of online auto loan financing. Go ahead at Good Luck!

  3. if you access to a computer keep checking on craigslist thats at you accsess the site look on the right side fr canadian cities and pick the one your in .

    good luck

  4. ask the family if you can borrow money to get a  car then pay them back(buy a cheap car)

  5. In regards to your question. My little advice is that you go to a bank in your area to request for the loan and that is if you have a collateral, but if you want a loan from those that give out unsecured loan without a collateral i know of a loan firm that gives out unsecured loans, though he is the only one i have tried for now so i don't really know if their interest rate is the lowest. Few months ago when i had a bad credit, a friend of mine introduced me to them, inspite of my bad credit they were able to lend me a loan of £50,000 of which i used to revive my business, I think you too can do the same as well.  you can contact them via email.


  6. Contact the agency in your area responsible for public transportation.  In my area they have these special little buses that will come out to places where public transportation doesn't normally go, but you have to arrange it.  It doesn't cost more than bus fare, either.  They will take you to a bus stop.  Maybe there is something like that where you live.  Or, perhaps there is someone willing to carpool if you split the gas.  There are message boards with people looking for a carpool buddy.  See if there is someone there for you.

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