
I need a cheap surf board any old thing will do!?

by  |  earlier

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looking for any kind of surfboard new, used, minimal, shortboard anything, just needs to be cheap, ive searched everywhere and can't find anything under £100,

can anyone help me?




  1. buy one off ebay

  2. i have an old ironing board.... any offer's welcome.

  3. Where abouts are you? This will depend on the answer

  4. ebays tha best get a real cheap board paint it up and polish it , it look a £million

  5. Untill you get one i highly recommend that you tape 76 rulers together and start off in your bath tub dont get me wrong it can be dangerous. Watch the soap!!!

  6. ebay is where you may want to start, but if it isn't local, shipping alone will usually be $100+.  do you live near the ocean?  if not, don't worry about the board.  if so, then go to your local surf shop and buy one.  also, check the classifieds in your local paper.  swap meets and garage sales on the coast are other ways to score good deals on old beater boards.  peace.

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