
I need a chorus for my song any ideas? ps do you like it?

by  |  earlier

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this is it so far

you told me i could trust you

you told me that you cared

so why did you leave me

and charge mama the air fair

how could you go and not say goodbye

leave me with nothing but the tears that i cry

you caused me so much pain

for your own selfish gain

and even if i don't want to

i know that i'll forgive you




  1. Yeah, I really like it, How about : ?

    These feelings might heal in awhile

    But for the moment I can't smile

    Also, I like all the ryming, but I know if you don't have words that don't ryme people don't like it as much some times, just saying.

    Idk it's from the top of my head, if you don't like it, sorry.


  2. i lyke it except for the "and charge mama the air fair" it jus doesnt fit with the flow of the song but otherwise its great!

  3. listen to the band cake i would send a sample to them they would sing this real well    check out the band cake

  4. good sonng <3

    but if someone gives you ideas then it wouldnt be orginal ?! correct ?!

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