
I need a code for this kind of c data structure algorithm?

by  |  earlier

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using c programming.write a recursive algorithm to determine whether a string palindrome. a string is a palindrome if it can be read forward and backward with the same meaning. Capitalization,special symbol and spacing are ignored.

test using:

madam, i'm adam.

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  1. vb script tutorials-

  2. You know what? I've seen a lot of your questions and it seems it involves you asking a lot about C programming.

    1. Infix to postfix

    2. Remove spaces from a string

    3. Palindrome

    These are all SIMPLE questions. I bet this is your homework. I'll tell you this: You will not learn if you keep on asking for the answers from others. Computer Programming entails you to analyze the problem and solve it using your own way. Programming also requires experience. The more you program, the better you get.

  3. I did that HW for you, you should do this yourself ;)

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