
I need a company that has a fundraiser so my MC JROTC can raise money to go on a end of the year trip.?

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My Marine Corps. JROTC class needs money so we can go on a trip at the end of the school year.

We need a lot of money for what we plan on doing.

We need fundraiser ideas.

When I say a company I mean like Krispy kreamDough nutss.

They have a fundraiser.

But is there any other companies that have them.

We have no local fundraiser places around here.


Thank you




  1. Have your JR ROTC Commander (The real officer, not your cadet officer)  write a letter authorizing you to solicate funds for ROTC activities.   If you can get the JR ROTC Commander for the entire school system to sign off on it,  that would be even better.  Make sure you use the standard military format with letter head paper and the proper endorsement blocks.   (Good practice on how to write a military letter.)

    Then your Cadet Commander and one or two others should go IN UNIFORM to stores such as Walmart and ask them if there is anything they can do to help with fund raising.  Walmart may allow you to pick a product and for each one of those sold, you can get 1-2 cents each.  So you will want to pick a product that sells a lot.  Such as shampoo.   Other stores will allow you to put a collection box up for your project so make sure you have some boxes already made up that you can give them immediately should they agree to that.   Then make sure once a week someone in uniform comes buy to pick it up.  

    Other ideas:  

    Car wash.  This works best if you can hit people at a place where their cars get dirty.   Example:  Hitting people after they come back from Burning Man.   The cars are absolutely filthy.   You could also make a deal with car dealers to wash all their cars each week for a set amount of money.  

    Slave auction."  Sell off the services of the ROTC cadets for one day.  They have to be willing to do any kind of dirty work that comes up.

    Garage sale.   If all the cadets bring in stuff and you get stuff form teachers and other students,  you could have a massive garage sale at the school one Saturday and everything you make you get to keep.

    Jobs.  Kind of radical but you could each get a job and can donate the money to the ROTC.   If you have 100 students and you each work 5 hours a week that is 500 hours a week.  If you do it for six months,  that is 500 x 26 or 13,000 hours.   If you get $5 per hour,  that is $68,000 for your trip.  Or $680 per student.  If you work more hours per week or work for 8 months instead of 6,  you could have over $1000 per student.  

  2. One that JROTC detachments do here in Las Vegas, is collect on street intersections.  Several students in uniform have jars and cans labeled that passersby and folks stopped at lights can put some spare change in.  

    Another option is to use the networking ability of your local VFW and American Legion Chapters.  Members of these often have friends in the press and local businesses.  Former Marines will DEFINITELY want to jump in and help-heck they may just write you a check.

    Let them know what you wish to do.

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