
I need a fish that will eat goldfish?

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alright in a couple months my dad said i can get a fish but i want a cool fish that i can feed goldfish to because i have a million goldfish i dont have a tank either so what tank and fish shuld i get???

p.s. i want to only spend around 30-35$$$




  1. Betta!! They are great.


  2. i believe you have problems.... but.... u could get a shark or a betta with major issues ...... yall could be best friends.!!!!  :-(

  3. nice

  4. Sell the gold fish!

    That is rude don't let it eat them!

  5. piranhas...but u need a separate tank for them or they'll eat ALL your fish...

  6. probably a tiger osacar if you have a 40+ tank

  7. Arowanas are amazing fish and they are very carnivorous. They eat just about anything that's smaller than them. This would be a good fish, because they do well being isolated, because buying several fish will raise the bill. You should get 30-55 gal.+ tank for it to swim around in, depending on size. Never get feeder fish. Feeder fish have been proven to be laced with disease. Make sure that the goldfish you have are in good health as well. They are also easy to take care of! My personal recommendation is the silver arowana. I love them for their beauty, mostly. I highly suggest you do not get a pet fish that could be dangerous to you. Piranhas are not a good household fish because they can take your finger off it you stick it in the water. I think this type of fish is better off with someone that has much experience with vicious fish. Another very good fish is an oscar. I highly recommend either of the two.

    I will post some links about them and pictures too.

    Care Sheet-


  8. marble goby or a knife

  9. You only want to spend $35 on the fish or you only want to spend $35 total on fish and tank?   The most common fish that can be fed feeder goldfish is an oscar, however feeder fish should be fed as a supplement not as the entire diet.   You can usually get one for about $10.  However they get quite large and are messy eaters so require a 55 gal minimum but really need a 75 or larger  

  10. oscar

  11. Well if u want something fast get a needle nose gar...but if you want something mean...go with an oscar..or if you want something really mean...go with a red devil

  12. none if you are gona be that cheap. you need at least 100 dollars . pirahnas are good goldfish eaters want to see them in action? search in youtube "pirahna v goldifsh" and you will see.the fish tank alone(ast least 30 gallons cost 40 bucks. you can get them cheaper at craigslist though and they are kinda hard to take care of since the way they aet is messy

  13. I would try a Red Bellied Pacchu.

  14. well, the most obvious fish would be piranha..  i have puffer fish too that eat anything that moves! puffers are amazing!! but think i would go with a piranha if i were you. =]  

  15. how big is your tank? if its at least a 55, then you can get an oscar. they love live food, but its not good to keep him on live, or he will not eat pellets. oscars are really cool fish, and come in several different colors. i have an albino oscar, and we just got an oscar that is almost tri colored. (i want an all black one) if you do decide to get an oscar, be prepared. they need good filters, gravel vac's and weekly water changes, but its all worth it!! good luck!

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