
I need a friend from this forum to help me figure some stuff out.......?

by  |  earlier

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I asked this question a while ago and I want to ask again. I genuinely had some things happen to me in several houses from my fifth grade year on that haunt me to this day, I still have thoughts about it all the time, and I'm now 28. I feel a need to try and figure things out, but I don't want to go into to much detail until I know that someone really wants to hear it. I am not crazy, or attention seeking, but I know it really happened and I don't want to get to the point where my mind tells me it was all a trick. If anyone know of the address 1422 North 11th St in Reading, PA, I'd like to say that this was the house where it all started, and I want to know if anyone has had experiences from there. But anyone that has a deep understanding of the paranormal is needed by me!!!! Thanks a lot. Please no one is is a joker or a skeptic--- I really want some answers to my questions. I tried to drop it after my last posting, but I need to resolve it. Thanks!




  1. jennifer..Did you get my email? You said you wanted to talk to somebody about this.

    Edit..I don't think my emails are going through and I'm not receiving I don't know if I'm connected. I did everything on my profile that I'm supposed to do.Someone else tried to email me through my profile and it didn't go through. Wonder if this happens to anyone else.

  2. If you go to

    They are people who will help you. RC is is the owner of the site. If you really want help, she will take the time out, even call you on the phone and talk to you. She has had many of us to her home, she lectures  and helps people out all the time, with out all the BS stuff. She isn't looking for fame. She truely is a person that helps from the heart.

  3. If these events are still troubling you at the age of 28, they are clearly having an adverse effect on your life.  Therapists are professionally trained to help with exactly these sorts of problems.  You will likely get much more effective help from a local therapist than from anyone on Yahoo! Answers!

  4. Hi, Jennifer...Can you copy and paste the link to your other question? I don't remember what you said about what happened to you. I was in the same shape before I got on here..trying to figure out what happened to me. I got some of my questions answered about it and it has helped my "head" a lot. Just keep coming here and reading (oops , sorry! lol) the Q&As...even if you think they don't apply to you. You'll learn a lot and maybe be able to piece it all together. Just knowing that some of these things happen to others too helps me a LOT!! You just have to learn to ignore those jokers & skeptics. It hasn't happened to they don't understand.You MIGHT find a therapist who believes you..but you'll be really lucky if you do. However...some medicines can  help with your anxiety and help you sleep and even help with your thoughts...(help you handle what happened) You need to find out first if there's a therapist who believes that these things happen...or they might recommend the wrong medication for you.  There IS don't give up on yourself. Keep coming here and asking questions. It doens't matter how crazy you think they might seem. They might be something that someone else is afraid to ask. That's one thing that keeps me asking questions. Don't forget the link. I'll try to go to your profile to find it...if it's not closed.

    EDIT...jennifer..I can't use this address for emails. Someone else is contacting you for me.

  5. What Happened?

    It is difficult to try to help or give an explanation without the whole story.

  6. if your interested.  I am a paranormal investigator.

  7. Hello

    I have had so many experiences with odd things that I have come to conclude that anything is possible in this world.

    The world is so big and complex that I think anything can happen.

    Having said that I have seen entities, i have had an experience where a big black thing has been on meand I woke up and I could not move it was really scary and I kept reciting the lords prayer.  I read that some other people had a similar experience! I have seen lots of different entities etc.

    I have spirits literally speak in my head and all kinds of strange stuff. So I believe you when you say that you have had some issues with a place.

    I would recommend that you google paranormal on the internet and just research. And keep reading. also contact the current tenants of this property where you know it all occurred and ask them whats currently happening.

    You can email me if youw nat and I will email you but I dont think my email is working.

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