
I need a fun way of teaching a lesson, help?

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My teacher assigned us a project where we have to research an author, and present it to the class in an exciting way. I can't think of any ways to present this project. Help?????




  1. I'd act out the author in front of class and take questions after you talk about yourself.  Some authors may be easier than others for this.  For example, Edgar Allan Poe--dark and moody personality.  Choose one or two books, talk about why you wrote them, what points you were trying to make or what you were trying to accomplish, etc.

  2. Well, add some jokes in your text, like, um, well, um, you get the point, like example I used was in World War II, um, "Hitler's a bad filter" Get it?

    Well, you can always invent your own, but there's always some online...I think.

    Well, that's the closest I can get, but most of the time, when a teacher said exiting, they really mean resourceful, that means have a lot of words, a hook, and an ending sentence.

  3. Ooooh! Fun!! As a teacher, this is what I would love to see. Mind you I teach elementary students so who knows if this will work...

    When I hear research, I think you should read lots of books about them and visit their website. Almost all popular authors have one. Learn more about them like what inspires their stories.. Read their literature carefully and follow their writing style. How do they speak to the audience, words, topics etc...Does this author always write narratives, do they write based on experiences of family members etc...

    To present I would come in character. Dress like the author and speak like the author from their perspective.  It will be more acting than anything but honestly you will get laughs and attention. Speak in first person... "I'm currently writing a book on..... because I saw my daughter....."

  4. Which author have you chosen?   You can get more specific answers/suggestions if we know who the author is.  

  5. hand out read alongs for the whole class. Make a power point and have cool animations/sounds on it. Dress up as the author. Bring in some goodies(candy or something) and hand it out.

    Most importantly have fun with it!

    Good luck! :D

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