
I need a good Hair relaxer?

by Guest67001  |  earlier

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I have very curly hair and ive always hated it. So i always kinda keep it really short, like in buzz cut. I was wondering what brand of relaxer can i buy. Ive been using ogilvie relaxer, but its too weak, because it took me about 4 tries to get my hair straight, and that really damaged my hair. Also, i want a relaxer that you can use more than once, Ex, ogilvie comes in two parts, the relaxer, and the neutralizer. I have short hair, so i can use 1 bottle for like 3 appplications . I dont want one that you have to mix an activator into the relaxer, because it will only be good for one time. Money is kinda tight so i want to use a kit more than once. Thanks.

Ps, to give you an idea, my hair is kinda like this




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  2. u could prob use relaxer like bantu, but whatever u get, make sure it says mild, and not regular or super. something like this comes in a jar, and u can use it more than once bcause u don't hav 2 do any mixing. i'm confused about the neutralizer part, maybe u meant activator. either way, when doing any relaxer, u'll hav 2 use neutralizing shampoo, or ur hair will fall out.  btw-bantu only costs about $5 a jar

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