
I need a good book. Any recommendations?

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I like classics, but I find the English ones harder to understand than American classics. I also love a good romance, as long as it's clean.

Feel free to list any book, though!




  1. She's Come Undone by Wally Lamb is an excellent book. Good luck with your search!

  2. The Only book i've really read through myself is 'TO KILL A MOCKING BIRD' get it you'll like it theres also a classic movie on it.

  3. books by sarah Dessen are reli good. they are amazing. check into her. they are all types of novels, romance, and other types, like hard ships.  

  4. The Twilight Saga by Stephanie Meyer are my favourite books!! Twilight's like a mix of romance and fantasy, but the way she write makes it seem much more believable than any other fantasy OR romance I've ever read!

    The series is:

    1. Twilight

    2. New Moon

    3. Eclipse

    4. Breaking Dawn

    THEY ARE AMAZING!!! Just by reading the back cover and the Proface I was HOOKED!! THEY ROCK!!!


    Happy Reading,


    P.S. Just though of another great author. Ellen Hopkins.

    She writes Crank, Glass*, Impulse, Burned and Identical**

    Glass is the sequel to Crank but the rest are on their own.

    *Haven't read this one, but can't wait to.

    **Hasn't been released yet I don't think.

    P.P.S. What Happened To Lani Garver by (i think..) Carol Plum Ucci is also an amazing book! I think she also wrote The Body Of Christopher Creed which was great too!

    P.P.P.S. (hehe) His Dark Materials series is also great! By Phillup Pullman

    The series is:

    1. The Golden Compass

    2. The Subtle Knife

    3. The Amber Spyglass

    It can be hard to get through that first book, but the series as a whole is awesome. MUCH better than the movie!


  5. "Spartacus", by Howard Fast

    "Gates of Fire" by Stephen Pressfield

  6. I recently read three good novels. Each is fairly easy reading, not smutty, and with some meat to it.

    Hans Fallada's  _Little Man What Now?_ (1933) is about a young couple in Germany who fall victim to a declining economy. The man has a rough time handling the changes, but the gal matures.

    Bess Streeter Aldrich, best remembered for her ditsy _Miss Bishop_ had a much better novel in 1931 called _White Bird Flying_. It's a romantic novel about a young girl who wants to be a writer and never marry. Much of the book is her observations of what it means to grow old. The novel is a bit sentimental, but in a nice way.

    _Work of Art_ by Sinclair Lewis (1934) is about two brothers. One wants to be "a nauthor" and the other wants to run a hotel. Both achieve their professional goals, but become very different people. Lewis starts with rather a sarcastic tone, then gets interested in his characters. The novel ends up exploring the idea that a good life is a work of art.

    I read and review vintage bestselling fiction on my blog.

    It's ad-free, non-commercial.  You might check it for ideas.

  7. Not sure if you will like these but it is very hard to read for some people because of how sad it is.

    There is 3 in the series

    1-A Child Called "IT"

    2-The Lost Boy

    3-A Man Named Dave

    There all by Dave Pelzer

  8. Watership Down. :D

  9. The Twilight saga by Stephnie Myer is amazing

  10. twilight is THE BEST

    maximum ride: angel experiment

    chinese cinderella

    to kill a mockingbird

    where the red fern grows

    anwser miine....;...

  11. Twilight Saga

    Harry Potter Series

    Inheritance Cycle

    Jane Eyre (my fave classic)

  12. favorite romance the notebook...

    itz just such a beautiful book and itz american....x

    if your looking for an american classic..then 'to kill a mockingbird' is for you....x itz a really gud buk...the blurb on the bac is about the second half of the book but the first part of the book is about 'meeting the characters'...

    if i wuz you i wud go for the notebook...x

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