
I need a good camera , that comes out this clear. (PICS)

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Something that comes out as clear as this :

Please label the most cheapest first , but only label it if it actually comes out that clear.




  1. Try Nikon D40x (10 megapixels). It can be had for under $1000 cnd with kit lens. Get prepared to spend another 300 for adobe cs2, if you want to make the most out of your digital images. You may also want to consider a hasselblad. It's newest camera comes with a 50 megapixel sensor made by kodak- but it'll set you back for at least 20 grand.

  2. 8 megapixels Canon would a good idea you also need a good editing software like Roxio 10.

  3. Well, first off the image you point out was shot with Canon 40D and processed with Photoshop CS3 on a MAC. While you may get away without a Macintosh, you'll probably need the other two. A good SLR and a good processing software. Photoshop is the best....

    Now, that all said - you'll need a lot more than that. First of all you need a good lens for your camera. Because the lens is the first frontier that is hit by the light and that will project the image. If it can't project a clear image on a matrix - you're out of luck. I can't tell what lens was used in particular shot, but it was used at 24mm focal length, so it may either be one of the cheaper zooms, or a 24mm prime that costs over $1000 alone. The better the glass - the sharper your picture.

    Then you need a studio. The shots in question were made in professional settings, with pro lightning equipment. It is hard to make a shot like this in home environment, though possible if you really know what you're doing.

    Last but not least - you need lots of experience. The shots you point out were clearly made by a professional photographer, who knows all about the light, the composition and the camera control. You can't just grab a camera and make a shot like this. The camera is just a tool you use. The photograph is taken by your skill and knowledge. Just like buying a good hammer won't make you a pro carpenter, you can't become a pro photographer with a good camera in hand.

    So, let's re-iterate.

    You need:

    A good SLR camera. This photographer used Canon 40D, but you can also get a cheaper one from Rebel series, or one of the Nikon D series cameras (Nikon D80 would be equivalent of 40D in Canon lineup, but again D40 or D60 may just as well do it for you). A good lens. Primes are always the best (prime = no zoom), a studio or home studio with lightning equipment, Photoshop or similar software, and a part the hardest to get - lot's of knowledge and experience.


  4. You should get lumix cause it's cheap and it comes out  very, very, very clear, plus I have one.  

  5. You would want something that has a High Mega pixels. Probably like 8 or higher.  The higher you go the more detail you can get.  The problem is the Higher you go, the more it costs.  

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