
I need a good comeback, Help plz??

by  |  earlier

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Okay, So I have this g*y supervisor, when I say g*y, I mean he’s a homo, so about 3 times a day for five days, he comes over to my desk and looks over my shoulder, and then he asks me “Ruben, Have you been a naughty boy today”, and I always give him the same answer, I just nod my head, yea, I guess. I know he’s flirting with me and I hate it cause I’m straight, but I want to say something next time so he knows im feeling uncomfortable but in a nice way, so thus, I need a good comenack. Help. Thanks!




  1. What the h**l does this have to do with the environment? If you feel you are being harassed then file a harassment claim against the guy.

  2. First of all, I think you're being a little callous in your g*y comments. I'm g*y so maybe that's why I'm sensitive to this. This sounds like sexual harassment to me, tell him you don't appreciate those comments or just say, "I don't know what you're talking about". If he doesn't stop you should tell someone in HR or another manager that this makes you uncomfortable.

  3. um..say no instead of yeah.

  4. Why don't you flat out tell him how you feel? This harassment won't stop unless you tell him how you feel. The next time he says something like that to you, tell him, "No, I am feeling perfectly fine today, you ask me this everyday, and the answer will be the same everyday. I am 100% straight. You are a co-worker and I'm not looking for anything more." If he continues, report him to a higher official.

    Good luck.

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