
I need a good comeback...?

by  |  earlier

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This guy always asks my to give him roadhead while im in the passanger seat (jokingly), and I need something clever to say back to him. Again, it is all in a humorous tone. It could be funny, witty, or suggestive, just as long as its clever!




  1. sorry i have to gargle from my last car ride

  2. Got tweezers so I can find it...

  3. just say " No thanks. I always choke when putting small things in my mouth!"

  4. you should tell him something like..."oh, so is that what you and (insert one of his guy friends name) do when you're driving together, no wonder you always wanna ride shotgun when ( his friend)  he drives.

  5. "but what if we hit a bump and I accidentally bite it off?"

  6. Tell him to sign at the bottom of the list

  7. "Grow a pair and I'm game."  

  8. keep your eyes on the road not my b***s jiggalo

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