I just thought of something that's puzzling me. I came to the conclusion that the definition of logic is assuming something is going to happen because most of the time, if not all the time in the past it has happened before. (e.g I dropped the ball a million times before, and it allways fell, so I "logically" assume the ball will fall the next time I drop it)
Now, when a Christian says to me, when you find a watch on the beach, you automatically assume that the watch was designed by an intelligent designer, or if you see mount rushmore you assume it was designed to be that way, because the odds of it being that way by chance are rediculously low! I agree with this, and I agree that it's very logical to assume that because in the past, all things like that (complicated things, have allways had an intelligent designer). But then, the Christian says "now look at the universe, it's the most complicated thing that there is, and look at life, much more complicated then any man made gadget, so then using my own defenition of logic you should have to conclude that the universe was intelligently designed.
I don't agree that the universe has to be intelligently designed because of the anthropic principle, and or the strong anthropic principle, but using my defenition of "logic" how can you avoid having to assume that it is?