
I need a good douche recommendation please and I have a few questions about it?

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What's the best douche for OCCASIONAL use?

Is it true that once you start douching, you can't stop?

I'm female, 26yo.

OR Is there any better recommendations for something to use other than douche if you want to "specially" freshen up down there? Especially before an encounter of the sexual nature.

This is a totally serious question.




  1. It is never a good idea to douche, your body needs it natural secretions and douching removes these. But if you would like an occasional douche, get the plain old vinegar and water that is the best type for douching. I would not recommend douching before s*x and make sure your partner is using a condom.

    Most men are not concerned on how you smell in the vaginal area unless of course you do not use proper hygiene methods such as daily washing with soap and water, and proper rinsing.

    Have fun

  2. Just use a regular douche of your choice (one that you liked the smell of the best)  if you want to add a nice fragrance. If all you want is to make sure that it is clean and not have a foul odor, then all you need to do is use a hand-held shower head and press it hard onto yourself. If you want to get a little more fancy, you can get one of those "shower shooters" and it would rinse you out very clean.

  3. hey ladies, I thought those things of yours were like self-cleaning ovens? ( unless you do too much baking)

  4. Don't douche.  Gyns don't recommend it and neither do regular doctors.  It can mess up your normal flora.  Every woman has bacteria in their v****a.  The body keeps it in check by making the area either acidic or basic.  When you douche, you eliminate your body's defense to the bacteria.  The bacteria then flourishes and can cause vaginitis or yeast infections. Douching can also cause some irritation so doing it right before a sexual encounter is not recommended.

    If you want to freshen up, just get the external feminine washes.  Use those and keep yourself clean.

  5. Do not douche *ever* unless your doctor tells you to.   Your v****a keeps healthy by allowing a bunch of bacteria and other organisms that live in there to control other organisms that *shouldn't* live there, and if you kill them off or change the balance among them, you open yourself up to infections from those "other" things.

    The natural smell and taste of a healthy and horny woman who loves me is one of the greatest things I know... why change that?

  6. Using a douche is not like a drug. Some doctors don't recommend that you use a douche because they claim that you're pushing bacteria up into your v****a instead of washing it away. You don't have to continue to use it after you use it once. I use a douche to "freshen up" after my period is over. I like Summer's Eve in the blue box. It smells nice. :)

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