
I need a good example of a B2B introduction letter.?

by Guest21357  |  earlier

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Im in the copier sales business and this will be an introduction letter from my business to potential business. More specifically a law firm in which were a member of the bar association. Thanks!




  1. I don't have an example for you but here's an outline of what might be in the letter:

    - first make sure you have the right contact person - lawyers usually don't buy copiers but their office managers or administration managers do;

    - introduce yourself and your company;

    - what you're selling;

    - what's the unique value or competitive advantage;

    - why it's important to your prospect;

    - the connection between you and the prospect (you're a long term member of the bar association and have a number of law firms as clients - even better if these clients will give you referrals);

    - what you want them to do next:  never ask for a sale in the intro letter, but tell them you will be following up on the letter with a personal phone call to set up a convenient meeting day and time;

    -thank them.

    Then call them within a week (not much later - they'll have forgotten the letter) to set up an appointment.

    Good luck.

  2. There are number of Bar Associations in India, all High Courts and District Courts have their own Bar Association. You better contact each one of them in your territory. Your own presentation shall be more effective than the introduction letter.

    Wish you all the Best.

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