
I need a good fifteen sentence portrait (type of poem)?

by  |  earlier

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Be creative..

Sentence 1: " I think sometimes..."

Sentence 2: Write a sentence with a color in it.

Sentence 3: Write a sentence with a part of the body in it.

Sentence 4: Write a sentence with a simile (a comparison using like or as).

Sentence 5: Write a sentence of over 25 words.

Sentence 6: Write a sentence of under 8 words.

Sentence 7: Write a sentence with a piece of clothing in it.

Sentence 8: Write a sentence with a wish in it.

Sentence 9: Write a sentence with an animal in it.

Sentence 10: Write a sentence in which three or more words alliterate; that is, they begin with the same initial consonant: “she has been left, lately, with less and less time to think . . . “

Sentence 11: Write a sentence with two commas.

Sentence 12: Write a sentence with a smell in it.

Sentence 13: Write a sentence with a simile (a comparison using like or as).

Sentence 14: Write a sentence that could carry an exclamation point (but do not use the exclamation point.).

Sentence 15: Write a sentence to end this portrait that uses the word or words you chose for a title.




  1. Title to this playful exercise is "Questions and Answers".

    1.  I think sometimes I spend too much time on Yahoo! Answers.

    2.  Everyone commented on how flattering the color "slate blue" was on me.

    3.  I wish I could afford to get a "tummy tuck" !

    4.  I hope your birthday is as special as you are.

    5.  When I was minoring in English while attending Rider College, which actually is now known as Rider University, my favorite area of that subject was Grammar.

    6.  My friends married on August 8, 2008.

    7.  My husband looks terrific in a black v-neck sweater!

    8.  Since I can't afford a "tummy tuck", I wish I could miraculously lose 25 pounds in two months !!

    9.  A fluffy little kitten would make a nice addition to our family.

    10.  Tom tells teenagers to try tennis.

    11.  My favorite foods incude french fries, chocolate, and pears.

    12.  I remember how my grandmother's flower garden filled with roses, pansies, and lilac bushes smelled so intoxicating.

    13.  The lining of my new winter coat is soft like velvet.

    14.  This assignment was lots of fun.

    15.  All the same questions, but so many different answers!

  2. HOLY COW! That was a fun challenge.  I think I followed all the rules you stated.  Even though I feel like I just did your homework for you it was a good exercise for my little brain.

    Thanks for the question... Here goes;


    I think sometimes

    Tears fall into the great blue sea

    Then a giant hand wipes them away

    Like a new sunrise after a chilly night.

    So many times your grace has offered me a shoulder to cry on and I foolishly turned the other way thinking I can defend myself.

    So I cry alone.

    But those shoes are worn.

    And I wish I could start again.

    I could be a bird and choose a different path.

    Maybe a fleeting, fluttering, free direction.

    But not alone, not this time, a slight correction.

    With blue sky ahead and the smell of the tear-filled sea below,

    And the horizon acting as a referee to the sea and sky.

    I breathe your name

    And life begins again.

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