
I need a good golf workout? any ideas?

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its about time to start practicing the golf game again and im looking to have a good summer. im looking for a good workout that will help me with every aspect of the game. Im a scratch golfer so i want a somewhat intense workout. ive been running alot and doing abs but it just seems like i should be working some more specific muscle groups. so any ideas on what exercises to do?




  1. Swimming is a great exercise for golf!

  2. stay away from sports like football, basketball bc it is really easy to break a finger or stove a finger and this could set your golf game back....... running is good excerise cause it will keep you in shape so you feel good by hole 17 and 18.... also strech every day and strech alot, bc the more flexible you are the farther you can make the turn on the back swing and can create more club head speed for those monster drives.

  3. whats golf?

  4. First off the running routine is good. You should run lightly for 20-30 minutes, or play basketball or football competitively to warm up. Then, abs are good, but you want core strength and flexibility. You also want flexibility and arm strength. I am 15, and a highly competitive junior golfer, plus 2.4 handicap, and I use a Bosu ball in order for balance (like a therapy ball but with the bottom flat) and core strength. I then use ropes as well for bicep curls because it helps strength with flexibility. This workout should take an hour, and if you do it 2 to 3 times a week you can get a lot better. I used to hit it about 230 with the driver, and now I'm out there 270

  5. bahaha.

    workout for golf.


  6. is the best golf specific training site I've seen. They have videos too. These guys have a show on the Golf Channel and bring in people like Camilo Villejas. You should see this shrimp work out. Amazing.

    I do lots of squats and work on my core. I like the pulley machine where you grab the handle and pull laterally. I also do a lot of core work where you're twisting.

    I think squats, dead lifts and the hip abductor machine helps lower body stability which is crucial to off plane shots, which are typical where I live: Colorado.

    Also, the bench press can definitely improve yardage.

    Don't forget to stretch and use lower weights/higher reps. You don't want to get too big and mess up your swing.

    Finally, if you're overweight, eat right and do cardio. I lost 20 lbs and can play 36 holes and play even better on the 30th hole than the 9th.

  7. go to this website: and click on golf.  The site has workouts based on the sport of your interest.

  8. Like the other folks have said (the ones who aren't smart as$es), continue your cardio and mix in some strength training with weights for the entire body.  Core excercises will also help out.  If you do a search on the 'net, you can find some good workouts.

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