
I need a good horror film idea?

by  |  earlier

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I make sims 2 movies and i need a good story line for a horror movie cause i haven't done a horror movie in a while. Give me characters a plot and scenery.




  1. A special-ops team are sent into a mansion to take out an alleged terrorist faction and discover instead a satanic cult ritual in progress.  Their interruption casts them down into into one of the lower planes of h**l and they have to fight their way back with technology and whatever powers they may have inherited when they "crossed-over."

  2. japanese movies are scary

  3. how about vampire nuns

  4. OK  3 girls and 2 guys.

    Scenery- A corn feild Maze

    Plot- Something is lurking in the corn felid. there are 2 couples. while the couples are going through the maze one by one each one dispeers until there's one boy left. then it turns out that his ex-girlfriend wanted revenge on him for breaking up with her, so she kidnapped all of his friends and his new girlfriend!

  5. A corn field MAIZE. Get it? Ha.

    Couldn't help myself.

    How about...

    We use the idea that ghosts/apparitions/anything supernatural are all part of a world going on around us that we cannot see because our eyes aren't made to capture it. Such as dogs being able to hear sounds that we cannot. Because of this fact, dogs and children are more sensitive to seeing the supernatural. How about a television ghost-chaser with this theory that comes to speak to a science class on career day at an elementary school in which his son is a student. (making his son a very "aware" character of the supernatural) This would bring in the teacher as a character. They discuss the possibilities of this later (cheesy, maybe, but on a date?) The science teacher goes to friends who develop a way of seeing into this world. That's where your imagination could run wild. However, there are complications because of the possibility of being trapped in this world, or what happens after being exposed to this truth. Perhaps once you've seen this world, they can always now see you, whereas before they were as equally aware/unaware of our world.

    Anyway, it's an can always change it as you will. Maybe make it a little less cliche. There's a reason I'm not a writer of screenplays... :)

  6. How about a person goes to the emergency room for something not really too bad, naturally has to wait hours to be seen, finally taken back to the bed, waits more and more, finally decides to have some fun and covers himself over with the sheet from head to toe and doesnt move.

    People finally come in, see the sheet and take you out of there to the morgue,(you finally fell asleep), and you wake up on a cold slab inside the box.

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