
I need a good laugh -- Anyone got a funny true story? I'll tell you one if you tell me one.?

by  |  earlier

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Years ago my ex was an over the road truck driver going up & down the east coast. I guess he got bored because one day for reasons I'm not sure of he decided to "play tourist" and stop by the side of the road for some cattails to bring home. Now if you are familiar with cattails you know they get ripe and start falling apart, with thousands of little fluffy white seeds that blow thru the air to the next pond or river. Well my ex set the pods down in the truck cab near an A/C vent. And later on while he was going down the road he started to notice it looked like it was snowing --- on the inside of the truck! By the time he got pulled off the road he could hardly see out. That picture in my head of him driving down the highway with a blizzard inside the cab still cracks me up to this day.




  1. I am a retired police officer, farmer and forrester. On one occasion my family took my father out to a nice resturant for his 89th bday.I had driven his vehicle and we met the rest there. About  time to leave it started raining and storming. We both went as quickly as we could to his trailblaser. Got in and drove toward home. About half way home I was looking in the rear view and noticed a child's car seat. I ask him if he had anything he wanted to tell me. He made some joke and I said what's my new brother or sisters name. He said wtf are you talking about and I said the car seat. He turned and looked and said sh-- that ain't mine. Then we got to noticing there were some odd things and this wasn't our truck. We went back and there was a woman inside really pizzed off. I tried to explain and took her outside and showed her our truck was just like hers. That helped a little but I was glad to get away from there before they called the cops.

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