
I need a good monologue for teens?

by  |  earlier

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I'm auditioning for a showcase but its very short notice and I need an "age appropriate" monologue it also has to be over a minute help please I'm goo with comedy and drama I can maybe also do sad scenes...

(also sorry for my bad spelling)




  1. Why did you lie to me? When you said I love you, I thought you meant it! I did! People don't normally go around saying I love you to people they don't love, Jason! If you loved me so much, then why did you break up with me? It's been almost 2 months and I still don't know the real reason. Everybody's saying, "Oh, just get over him, Jessica" but I can't! It's always been Jason and Jessica. Jessica and Jason. It sounds right even now! But I guess I should just get over you, since you already have a new girlfriend. Oh, by the way, your new girlfriend has slept with every guy in school! But of course, that's why you want her, isn't it? I can't believe you would betray me like this! You said yourself, "I'll never leave you" But you did!!! Why?!  How can you just go on with your life?! We were together for 3 years Jason, 3 YEARS! Doesn't that mean anything to you, even if it was during middle school and high school? I guess not, since your not even listening to anything I just said. Jerk.

  2. go to barnes and noble and get the book encore! more winning monologues for young actors by paige kehret. or go to

  3. The other day, my mom was cleaning a know, the dead kind - the kind you eat. Notice, I say "you". That's because I don't eat dead chickens anymore. I don't eat live ones either, of course. I just don't eat chickens. Not after seeing a perfectly shaped chicken just sitting on the kitchen counter getting its last tiny feathers plucked out, just before getting cooked, cut up into pieces and eaten for dinner. It's easy when it's chicken salad - or even chicken cutlets - if you just never think about where it came from. But, I mean there it was - it looked just like a chicken - just like the kind you see on a farm or in a petting zoo. Except this one was bald. Bald and dead. I just decided right then and there that I couldn't do it. I told my mom "starting right now, I'm a vegetarian!" Without so much as a blink she said "So, should I make you some spinach for dinner tonight?" "What do you mean?" I asked her. It had never occurred to me that vegetarians actually eat vegetables.

  4. here are a few good websites to find monologues:

    break a leg!

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