
I need a good recipe for grilled squirrel...?

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...any and all help appreciated. Please & thanks.




  1. I don't think that's the least bit funny


    have you even seen my avatar??

  2. Well, if you want to grill the little suckers best to let them marinate overnight in Italian dressing. Makes them mighty tasty. LMAO

  3. Ask Granny.  Uncle Jed, Jethro, and Ellie Mae always tell me she makes the best vittles around.  Especially with squirrel and possum.

  4. Probably just BBQ it like you would chicken. Maybe marinate it first.

  5. aww thats sad =(

  6. Believe it or not, there are a lot of recipes for squirrel.  My neighbor loves the meat.  He'll go out and hunt them, and deer.

    Check out this site.

  7. Smother it in a nice maraschino cherry glaze.....

    Can't go wrong with that, no matter what the meat is!

    My mouth is watering now......... :')

  8. we never grill's always in gravy over biscuits.

  9. Well, the only squirrel I've eaten was when I was little and it was in soup.  But, I hear that it's similar in taste and texture to chicken, so any marinade that works for chicken would probably work for squirrel.  I like just plain italian dressing.  Let it sit for 30 minutes up to two hours then slap it on the grill.  Make sure the meat isn't sticking before you flip it.  If it doesn't want to flip with ease, it's not ready yet.

  10. gee, you would think with all those peaches that squirrel eats, you would grill it in leftover peach juices.

    ha ha, I think that is so funny.

  11. HAHA for some reason that makes me crave corn dogs.....o_O

    The mind works in mysterious ways.....

    *goes and pops a corn dog in the microwave*

  12. Grilled Barbecue Squirrel




    Barbecue Sauce of Choice

    Salt and pepper squirrel to taste. Cook on grill basting with beer until squirrel is about ¾ done. Baste with barbecue sauce until squirrel is completely done.

    Simple, and delicious.

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