
I need a good science experiment??

by  |  earlier

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I have to do a experiment in science and i have no clue what to do!!! If you know any really cool experiments that i could do you would be my best friend forever!!!




  1. Get pregnant and then let everyone know about.

    Take some hard drugs (like Robitussin!) and drink milk and stuff to see how messed up the baby will be.

    Your experiment could be called "Why DIdn't I Abort This Mission?!?!".

    You'll probably get a lost of media attention.

    Be prepared for you new found fame. Work on your pageant wave!

    I hope this helps.


  2. this is cool, I seen one on Letterman*p/SmokeRin...


    Go to town.

    (#5 is pretty awesome if you have access to a heating device).

  4. you could do the alka bomb,(not really a bomb) just put water in side of a film canister, half way. then put either half or a fourth of alkaseltzer in seal the cap on as fast as you can turn it up side down. and back away. paper towels needed to clean up mess

  5. we tried this experiment in school wherein you make these little hot air balloons from plastic bags and a circular base usually a can. then we placed a candle stick inside just barely fitting inside the can's hole and the flame just like a hot air balloon inflates the plastic up making it glide... however this may only work if your high up like in the 3rd or 4th floor of the  building.

    or how about the old mentos and coke bottle trick...

    that's all i got... have fun

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