
I need a good way to get to sleep and wake up?!?!?

by Guest31828  |  earlier

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I need to get to sleep at about 9:00 or 8:45. Should I set my alarm for 8P.M. to remind me? How do I get to bed easier at nights? How do I wake up well in the morning when I am tired? Help!




  1. juz close your eyes  

  2. Don't drink any caffeine after 3:00. And to wake up set an alarm on your phone.

  3. get a watch, set the alarm for 830 pm-ish and when it goes off, start getting ready for bed.  drink a warm glass of milk, eat a big meal (so you'll be full), or try reading something really boring (text book, instructions, etc).  to wake up, caffeine!!!!!

    good luck!

  4. put ur alarm as far away as possible put on somethin really annoying that will drive u crazy and really louull get up to turn it d!

    that way off and ull be up

  5. You can't really. When you wake up you will never be not tired. I have to force myself out of bed when I have to get ready for school, and I don't think I can ever sleep at 9 or 8, thats way too early and I won't be tired.  

  6. If you wanna fall asleep easily take a long warm bath in the shower ,and relax..then you fall asleep..,and in the morning put on the alarm if a phone alarm then put on the loudest ringer if regular alarm put on the radio or if you don't have that just put on the regular ringer..

  7. sure, and

    tv and light make u stay awake. so just lay in the dark...and youll pass out.

  8. I like to do stretches before I get into bed. Stretching is also beneficial for waking up sleepy muscles in the morning.

    Another thing to help you get to sleep are some good 'ol cookies and milk. The milk has something in it that's proven to help you sleep better, and the carbs somehow make the milk more effective. I read it in the reader's digest, and it really works for me when I can't sleep. Hope this helps you some!

  9. like if u have a pool go swim. it will make u tired. if u dont just read a book cuz it will make ur eyes tired and that means u can go to sleep faster. to wake up play music as ur alram or wake up then go straight to wash ur face or take a shower.  

  10. huh im confused  

  11. waking up is all a matter of the person IMO, but what helped me was just waking up earlier and maybe implementing some or more physical activity into your day.

  12. s*x always helps....but then there is the stress from the aftermath that doesn't really do any good...

    You could always m********e....Always puts me to sleep

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