
I need a great birthday present idea!

by  |  earlier

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So, I'll be leaving for college at the end of august and my youngest sister who will be going into middle school/6th grade, is really sad that I'm leaving. Her birthday is in a few weeks and I want to get her something kinda special.

My two only ideas right now are a smaller version of a (fake) diamond palm tree necklace that I have and wear all the time, or a webcam that we could maybe use to chat while I'm away.

I'm not really looking to make anything like a scrapbook of pictures, she has all that stuff. ANY ideas you have would be great and so much appreciated!! Shes a real girly girl if that helps at all.




  1. This is what I got my little sister for her birthday. What I bought was when you go to Ardene you get get a grab bag for 2 bucks with lots and lots of stuff like earrings and stuff and head bands,I did not get it for my sis but a webcam which is a good idea (but you have to have one too), A bumpy jacket from triple flip if you have one where you are and just so you know they are very expesive. To go with you get a lip gloss set or something! Hope my advice worked!

  2. Do not get her a webcam, it could lead to the teen w***e kind of thing.. as bad as that sounds but it  could.. like my neighbor it happend with web cam. if shes into dolls, maybe get her a leemiddle ton doll or somthing or reborn. i like those. maybe get her a ring. if your not looking to spend much money  get her some bodie wash and stuff i ADORE lotion and im a 12 yr old going to 7th.

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